Looking for playtesters or H2H CMRT, two 1942 themed massive battles


FGM Colour Sergeant
Jul 18, 2021
Reaction score
I have two scenarios that I would like to test out. Both involve 24th panzer division attacking a regimental level soviet defense + subsequent counterattack.
They are absolutely massive scenarios, one is a 2x2km town, and one is a 4x4km steppes map. Both scenarios have roughly 2400 soldiers and roughly 60-100 tanks.
Both sides are historical formations with historical strengths (Though the battles are non-historical). The date is September 13th 1942 and the region is the Don Bend 60-100km to Stalingrad.
Reinforcements are streamed in so it won't rape your fps.... both work fine on my machine (So far) with good fps.
I would prefer to play as defender since I remember all of the setup. If I play as attacker I will play how I expect the scenario to be played out.

The maps are Nikishnye by Zveroboy and NPS_Kharkov by Rooks and Kings. Both maps were posted to the official forums and are available for preview. Links down below.

https://community.battlefront.com/t...f-maps-of-ukraine-i-have-made-over-the-years/ (Page 2 updated version, not sure which version I have)

There are two mods that will improve the experience. One adds an early war stug, and the other adds a panzer IV. There are some caveats though. Info, installation and caveats are posted below.

But the end result is worth it (For me):


The German forces in the larger scenario:

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I will give it a try if ur still looking for?
For sure. The mods are not mandatory but add to the flavor, they only affect a small portion of the tanks anyway. The panzer situation was pretty dire in 1942. The year started with 160 panzers if all the panzer divisions on the Eastern front were COMBINED.
Would you prefer to play the open map (4x4) km on NPS_Kharkiv? Or the town map (2x2km) on Nikishyne?
Each have their quirks but I think the 4x4km map is much harder for the attacker
Still open?
I am interested in these two maps but not sure if they can run smoothly on my laptop, will check and advise.
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