Looking for Red Thunder 4.0 Games


Big Joe

If you like H2H Scenarios and playing as Axis then drop me a line. I live in UK and usually complete 1 turn a day. Casual conversation/email during game is welcome.
Happy to engage with you on CMRT 4.0. I've finished my Clanwar battle and so can update to 4.0. H2H scenarios good. Send dropbox invite to nelsonv1945@hotmail.com. Thanks.
Received your dropbox invitation but no file. Having issue activating 4.0 for CMRT but will solve tonight hopefully. Cheers.
Big Joe, got your dropbox invite but no file. Am still trying to activate CMRT 4.0, have talked with BF HelpDesk, they gave instructions to first activate with Engine 4 key and then Engine 3 key but I don't know what those are (have asked them). If they answered I can move forward tonight. Confirm you are sending a file of your choice for our game.
Hi Herroberst, Yesterday i loaded up 'TWC Hill 621 Redux' turn 1 to the dropbox. I got it from the Scenario Depot III. If you still don't see anything, go ahead and load up a scenario of your choice. Ive just started Baranovichi with Bert.
Okay, will check to see if its in the dropbox this evening, thanks.
Emplaced Hill 621 Redux per your message in the dropbox but its been a week...
I emplaced Hill 621 redux number one in the dropbox sometime ago. Do you not see it? I'm using CMRT 4.0. Not sure why you cannot see it.
Sorry about the mix up. I thought the turn I was seeing in the dropbox was the one I sent to you. See my earlier message. Anyway. next turn has been sent away.
Something must be wrong here. I see the last file #3 sent 09/02/17 by me. Dropbox folder named 'Big Joe v Herroberst' with Victor Nelson can edit. Why not send me a dropbox invite and restart this from scratch with a scenario of your choice if you want.
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Okay, I'm at work and may get to it tonight, in the interim why don't you try resending a dropbox invite with file under a different name?
Ok, I'll send off a new dropbox with a unique file name as well as a unique name for turn 1 of the game in the next few minutes. Hope it works ok.
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