Looking for (semi) historical iron CMBN, CMFI and CMFB oppo's



I have all modules, packs, patches and updates installed and don't mind if it's a two hour scenario or even a bit lopsided.

So gentlemen, when there's a scenario you'd always wanted to play (or test!) but were afraid to ask; this is your chance!
I'm interested. I have CMBN & FB. Haven't played most scenarios. I'll send you a PM and we can get something going.
I'm in as well...I've only got CMBN v3 thus far, but will PM you.
I got'em all (in fact I smok'em if I got em) that being said... why dont you Sir pick something out that tickles your fancy, I am a player in the terms of (not gamey), enjoy the history of a conflict, and I dont care if I lose... especially a scenario where the author (as almighty as he is) has spent the time to create something he feels is viable for a battle... :)
Relicmortis, I'll await your message. :)

Fredrocker, I'll send you one, thinking of Studienka for RT but will check reviews to see how balanced it is since The Passage was so way off it was hardly playable. Or would you know that already?
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