Loving the German War machine to death...


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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Interesting, I'm sure the writer wouldn't mind playing war games on his PC thou. :)
This really crystallizes my thoughts about how America has turned war into a made for TV event.

Great article.
One third of the way through the article, the author's theme abruptly changes. It had to, there was no way that the Huffington Post would maintain a military affairs article that didn't eventually portray the American military as miserable defenders of liberty.

There's no lack of retired officers reflecting on the failures of their contemporaries. Its no different in any vocation. I think it is worse in the military. Nearly all of us at FGM have read extensively on military events and history, and without exception, competing commanders at every level and every era, win or lose, claims they would have done it better. This is just one more example.
Quote by William J. Astore (retired lieutenant colonel USAF) - "So, I have a message for my younger self: put aside those menacing models of German tanks and planes. Forget those glowing accounts of Rommel and his Afrika Korps. Dismiss Blitzkrieg from your childish mind. There is no lightning war, America. There never was. And if you won’t take my word for it, just ask the Germans"

Hey Bill, you on crack mate?
Huffington Post? Now there is an "objective" source for news and weather...

I think what fascinates me the most about the German military was it's ability to fight a losing war for nearly 6 years, WITH a dysfunctional economic model, a myriad of "mini-kingdoms" competing against each other, and a command hierarchy that was confusing to say the least, ie the situation with blurred lines of responsibilty OKW/OKH. Despite all this the frontline troops, time after time, rose to the challenge to fight against enormous odds (and I don't mean just the cliche of massive numerical numbers, but for instance the quality of intell/counter intell). The ability of the field commanders, junior Officers and NCO's to conduct effective offensive and defensive operations is equally impressive.

Just my two cents!

Chef des Oberkommando der Schwerpunkt
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