March FGM free game giveaway


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
With Fallout 3 winging its way south to Rico its time to unveil the latest game giveaway.

Its Civilization Complete courtesy of POS. If you are interested in getting this game sent to you just pop your name in this thread and we'll do the draw for the winner and get it posted off to you. The only thing we ask is that you snap a pic of you with the game for our game giveaway thread... not to much to ask for a free game eh?


The aim of the game giveaway is to share your old games with others who may get enjoyment out of them. So far me, mTk and POS have been giving them away but anyone is invited to post a game up and do a draw to see who gets it. Sharing is half the fun. :)
I have been interested in this but I am unsure ....ah heck put me down for it
Again nothing for me. Well, I'll guess I'll wait further... :)
Count me in there a way to stuff the ballot box?
Ok... the draw has been completed and Hedgehogs name has again been drawn from the hat.

The game will be winging its way to you in the near future so be sure to pass your mailing details onto POS who has generously donated this.
Incidentally I was a great fan of Civs 1 and 2 about 10 years ago, but then subsequent versions got far too complicated and fiddly for me, so I've abandoned Civ and started looking for a faster-playing empire-building game but am still looking.
With all the ones I've seen, you spend more time managing your empire than actually fighting, and I'm a wargamer not an accountant..;)
I have this game and I have been playing it PBEM - so be careful it could be time-eater
Incidentally I was a great fan of Civs 1 and 2 about 10 years ago, but then subsequent versions got far too complicated and fiddly for me, so I've abandoned Civ and started looking for a faster-playing empire-building game but am still looking.
With all the ones I've seen, you spend more time managing your empire than actually fighting, and I'm a wargamer not an accountant..;)

Yeah pretty much the same here POS. I got hacked of with trying to keep citizens happy... even the automation of it still slows the battling down. :)
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