Massive 2v2 on New Map - Axis players needed.



Hey there, we're looking for two players to take on a Massive 2v2 game.

'Endy' and I will be fielding a combined British and US force, to be pit against your combined German Heer and SS Battalions.

6000 Points per player for a total of 24000 in the field, which is slightly less than 2 HUGE games running simultaneously.

It's to be played on a New Map, made specifically for this Meeting Engagement.
Open rolling farmland and forest with a massive 3.8km wide front.

Three towns will be the contested objectives.

What we're looking for in opponents:

Good turn rates and a commitment to a long game.

At least one player on the Axis team needs to be able to compile a Core Units btt. file in the Editor for their side, so that it can be imported onto the map.

A PC that can handle this scale of game.

The Rules for this game (Negotiable):

*33% ​Max ​Armour
A maximum of one third of points can be allocated to Armour units.
​Any vehicle that can only be purchased from the Armour Single Vehicle section is considered armour for calculating the 33% maximum.
Vehicles that can be purchased from the Mechanized Infantry section, halftracks etc, do not count to the 33% Armour total.​

*One/Four BigCat
AXIS, only every fourth Armour piece can be a BigCat.
You need to purchase three Armour assets before purchasing your first BigCat, then three more before purchasing your second​, etc​.

BigCats for this game are Panthers and jagdpanzers ONLY
No King Tigers or Jagdpanthers. (It's a reasonably open map and we feel they may unbalance things quite a lot)​

*Allies Armour purchase is unrestricted, except by rarity.

*Rarity Standard

*Organic Artillery +1
Meaning all the normal Organic Artillery rules apply except that you're allowed to purchase 1 non Organic Artillery Asset​.
​The non-organic artillery asset purchased must be 150mm or less.​

*No Air

*No TRPs
Setup turn Registered Artillery is ok, but no firing for effect on turn one (except smoke) and no registered artillery on setup zones.

Because importing units correctly into the Core Units File for two players can be a fiddly task, when composing your force ALL UNITS will be set to Experience REGULAR, Motivation HIGH.
I would be interested and think I fulfill your criteria, but the biggest worry here is obviously the map size.

Have you tested this before, i.e. put units of equivalent size on the map and played through some action?
From my experience and what I've read, we could run into problems with the engine, with even high-end gaming rigs
not being able to load these monster battles anymore.

Could you provide the map so that i can have a look?
I'm in for sure. Us side is possible? Will be a pleasure to play with you again guys!
Have you tested this before, i.e. put units of equivalent size on the map and played through some action?

OK I've run a stress test on the map.
Short answer, YES it is playable.

I started the game as a scenario with Two full Battalions, attached vehicles, plus approximately 30 armoured fighting vehicles - Per Side.

The Load Times:

It took 5min 30sec to load to turn 1 and be ready to issue orders.

I gave all units on both sides movement orders and dropped 4 artillery strikes on turn 1.
It took exactly 6mins to Compute Real Time Action for the turn.

Turn 2 was set up so that contact was made, shots were fired and vehicles were being knocked out.
It took 4min 30sec to Compute the Action.

The Turn Replay:

I saved turn 2 and ran the action with Fraps measuring FPS (Frames Per Second) from the Graphics Processor.
During the replay I switched between scenes with nothing visibly happening to a frame clogged with moving vehicles and infantry.

The Test Rig:
CPU: AMD 4 Core x 3ghz
GPU: Radeon 6870 - 1GB
RAM: 8GB / 1600mhz
AMD Overclocking OFF

On the first run through I left Combat Missions Graphics options at the levels I usually have them.

MODS: Installed High Res Textures and vehicle etc. ON
3D Model Balanced
3D Texture Balanced
V Sync OFF

The Game ran a Min 10 and Max 25 FPS.
The action ran at about 50% real time. 1 second taking 2.
Not really good enough to put up with for a long game.

Options Adjustments:
I reran the same turn with:

All Mods still running
3D Models Reduced to FASTER
3D Textures Reduced to FASTEST

FPS went up to Min 19 - Max 32, the replay was smooth and time ran correctly.
Of course with the Low Res Textures of 'Fastest' loaded it didn't look as pretty, but it played fine.

My conclusion is that a game this scale can be played on a system roughly equivalent to mine.
In fact I could still reduce 3D Model quality by 1 furtherstep, so there's even a little head room available.
Could you provide the map so that i can have a look?

I'll email '2v2 WynnterGreen 3800m Version1' to your cm2-gmail account.

Anyone else who wants a copy private message me.

A quick note on the layout.
It's a real world location with an area selected that leaves both flanks quite exposed.
I did this on purpose, to discourage 'edge hugging'.

At first glace the map looks quite open.
However, along many lines where I expect there to be a lot of staging for assaults or combat I've added micro cover with small undulations, earth banks, ditches and depressions where infantry should be able take a degree of cover.
I encourage you to get down to ground level and have a look.

There are also plenty of reverse slope or relatively concealed approaches to all the objectives.
Hi Wynntergreen. I definitely meet the criteria. So if you are still looking for someone I would be glad to join this monster fight preferably on Axis side. So drop me a line ifif the slot is still available....
I'm in for sure. Us side is possible? Will be a pleasure to play with you again guys!

Hi Aulette. been a while since we talked, I hope everything's well for you.
Are you back playing regularly?

The US force for this game is already being played by Endy, Sorry.

Here's my suggestion.

I send you the map and you start Game2, which I'd be very interested to follow the progress of.
You could then can play as the US and bring in some (fresh meat) new players.

For the Axis side in Game 1:

Mad Mike and Strachwitz are both from Germany, correct me if I'm wrong???
Which should make things easier for them to coordinated turns, communicate and means they have the advantage of playing from the same Time Zone.

How does this sound?
Sounds very good to me.

OK, you can probably get in contact with Strachwitz and decide who's playing as SS and Heer.

Then think about force composition for 6000 points.

I don't think the Scenario Editor actually gives a points total when you're adding troops to the Core Units file.
So I think the best way to purchase your 6000 points is to start a Huge Quick Battle, compose your force up to the point limit there.

Note it all down then manually add all that to your Core Unit Save file.
It will be best to keep your force composition fairly simple and build a force around a single Battalion to make control easier.

You'll need detail notes of the number of squads in rifle platoons that have attached panzershreks etc

Are you happy with the Game rules?

I had a thought about the last one, setting all units to Regular High for experience and motivation.
The other option is to set all units to 'Typical', for Motivation, Experience and Leadership.

That way the SS will get their usual bonus for motivation etc, but we don't need to input those factors when composing the Core Units file.
Mad Mike and I will get in touch. I am fine with the rules. As for experience and morale I am slightly in favour of typical. This adds a bit more to the atmosphere as not all units are the same. But the other option is also fine :). To make the force selection a bit easier we could agree that the 6000 points can a slightly bit looser. So if one got 6011 this shouldn't matter but eventually makes things easier as you don't have to trim the forces exactly to the 6000 limit. Could make purchase a bit easier...
Agreed, just get as close to 6000 as you can with Typical settings.

I'll put a copy of the map in our Dropbox now, so you can have a proper look.
Hi Aulette. been a while since we talked, I hope everything's well for you.
Are you back playing regularly?

The US force for this game is already being played by Endy, Sorry.

Here's my suggestion.

I send you the map and you start Game2, which I'd be very interested to follow the progress of.
You could then can play as the US and bring in some (fresh meat) new players.

Yes WynnterGreen, 10 days ago Im back to CM game again. Im playing with my normal Pace again here. Until now, Im with 2 games with Underfire and another one in Normandy campaing. I love this kind of ruge map and liked yours map design, great Stuff. I wanna this map for sure. and will looking for some guys that like huge battles like us. But if you are interested to play another match with GER Forces, I can play with you our against you to. what I want is to play in this map with that battles desing that you are seting above.
Yes WynnterGreen what I want is to play in this map with that battles desing that you are seting above.

We're up to force composition and deployment at the moment in Game1.

I've got three Huge games, a couple of others plus this, thing, going at the moment.
So I probably won't start another at this scale at the moment.

But hopefully we can get enough interest to get a second game going for you.
So, come on people, 'throw your hat in the ring'.

I've sent the map to your gmail Aulette.

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