May I ask a question?



some situations confuse me.that is,if a open grass ground in front of you that you have to move through,but the tall grass block your LOS that you can only see half the distance of the grass area length(or depth?),and cannot be sure if there are enemy infantry out there,or just in the woods beyond the grass area.Would you call for a support fire to bombard this area?or just send a scout team to move to contact?
I ask this because in the last battle I played yesterday,I sent 2 squads forward for recon,and spoted a couple of enemy infantry soon.I thought that would be no more enemy there,and I really didnt want to leave my troops in open area for too long after my scout team got casualty,I pushed the other squads of the plt forward with 2 halftank to suppress and kill,but in half a minite there appeared a whole plt or more enemy infantry and 2 tanks...It seemed they hide themselves very well and kept silent until my main troops appear.They had successfully made a sudden cross fire upon my men,I just didnt have time to retreat...I think this is indeed an ambush..2 halftanks were destroyed soon by the enemy tanks,and my plt got heavy casualty.I think if I had called for support fire to cover that area,the result would be much better.But that is just wise after the event.So if you meet this situation,what would you do?Wait for the scout team to spot all the enemy?but may be the team would be all get killed before that,or just lose morale and run away.The area is large enough for my men to take maybe more than 20 sec to get through in a quick move.

like the terrain in the following pic.My men cant see the far edge of the open grass area.I'd let my men forward into the enemy's fire range while many enemy suddenly appeared on the map...


  • CM Normandy 2013-01-20 16-50-50-14.jpg
    CM Normandy 2013-01-20 16-50-50-14.jpg
    175.4 KB · Views: 31
Every situation is different but I can't think of one where I would use speculative arty fire on a random location.

In the situation you described I would have sent two scout sections and kept the remainder of the troops in over watch until the scouts had made it to the tree line.

You say you spotted some inf - that should automatically raise alarm bells and you should presume a platoon as a minimum somewhere nearby.

You need to win the fire fight before you advance, but you need to find the enemy first otherwise it is just guess work.

Until you know the enemy strength how do you know if you can win the fight and you never want to start a fight you cant win.
From your pic it looks like you are not going to advance without major casualties. There are numerous enemy contacts in the area ahead of you and if you push forward they will probably get the best of you. If you have the assets I would pound that area with linear fire to suppress the enemy and then advance under the smoke that it causes. Timing is critical that you do not wait and give the enemy time to regroup. If he has armor in there and you have nothing to counter it with then I would pull back and find another route. Try to move your armor up on the flanks and put some area fire in there to further suppress him. If you are playing a scenario the computer AI is pretty one dimensional. It will not pull men or armor from one area to reinforce or plug gaps in its line. It will sit there and defend. So as far as scenarios go once you find the flaw or hole in the computers defense it is pretty easy to exploit it. Thus playing against a human opponent is a different story all together.
Thank you two very much~!!
So busy these days and didnt have much time to play,however I've tried twice more time and still havent found a way out.The problem is that the enemy have tanks both sides of the road,and I guess at least 1 plt of inf each side of the road.I have only one plt on my right flank,and plenty of halftanks which are totally useless when facing real tanks.Reinforcements came at about 20min,with 1 more plt of infantry and 6tanks.But guess what,the senario is just 50min,and this very open area is just one third distence from setup zone to the objective.After I moved my tanks to the front line,couple of mins passed.after I destroyed the enemy tanks and beated them back,there were only about 15min left..And the ai fought very offensively..they pushed me back into the woods...and really heavy indirect fire,which forced me to kept in woods...however I stopped them in the woods,the enemy in the far side woods never stop shooting...After I took the bridge,the time was almost ran out...
I would like to try other way tomorrow,like I put all my force to one flank rather than both,or some way else.
Scout, scout, and scout some more. One man with field glasses and a radio can make all the difference.
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