Medevac Module



Whilst working on my missions this week, I found this little beauty!

******** Medevac Module v0.99 beta 3 ********
by goliath86 (
------------- Overview ------------------
This addon permits the player to be able to call in a medevac chopper
by putting in his mission editor only
a simple Module. He can heal himself and his squad and
send back the medevac chopper to call it later.

Not only that, but the latest version is such that you can also use it as a heli that is constantly on call for extractions and insertions!. Call chopper, pop smoke, get in and click on map where you wann go!

You can download it here >>

The Bis forum post about it is here >>

Its easy to insert via the editor. Does require the other players with MP to also have it.
Just make a new newshortcut with the -mod=@Medevac in there for when you want to play with that module active.

one more note, to change the medivac toa Brit CH47, you need to change the CIVI heli!! Not the West, beacause that one is the Air rescue chopper that comes if the medivac goes down. Spent two days look at a Mi17 before i figured that one out ;)

See here my converted unit_array.hpp file so you have British Chinook with british crew!

//unit's arrays to modify, if you want, units to be spawned insted vanilla's one
//by goliath86

//West units array = 0-Chopper; 1-Medic; 2-Pilot; 3-Vehicle Gunner1; 4-Vehicle Gunner2; 5-Gunner Assistant1; 6-Gunner Assistant2

MM_WEST_ARRAY = ["CH_47F_BAF", "BAF_Soldier_Medic_DDPM", "BAF_Pilot_MTP", "BAF_crewman_MTP", "BAF_crewman_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_MG_DDPM"];


//East units array = 0-Chopper; 1-Medic; 2-Pilot; 3-Vehicle Gunner1; 4-Vehicle Gunner2; 5-Gunner Assistant1; 6-Gunner Assistant2

MM_EAST_ARRAY = ["Mi17_medevac_RU", "RU_Soldier_Medic", "RU_Soldier_Pilot", "RU_Soldier_Pilot", "RU_Soldier_Pilot", "RU_Soldier_GL", "RU_Soldier_MG"];


//Resistance units array = 0-Chopper; 1-Medic; 2-Pilot; 3-Vehicle Gunner1; 4-Vehicle Gunner2; 5-Gunner Assistant1; 6-Gunner Assistant2

MM_RES_ARRAY = ["Mi17_medevac_CDF", "GUE_Soldier_Medic", "GUE_Soldier_Pilot", "GUE_Soldier_Pilot", "GUE_Soldier_Pilot", "GUE_Soldier_GL", "GUE_Soldier_MG"];


//Civilian units array = 0-Chopper; 1-Medic; 2-Pilot; 3-Vehicle Gunner1; 4-Vehicle Gunner2; 5-Gunner Assistant1; 6-Gunner Assistant2

MM_CIV_ARRAY = ["CH_47F_BAF", "BAF_Soldier_Medic_DDPM", "BAF_Pilot_MTP", "BAF_crewman_MTP", "BAF_crewman_MTP", "BAF_Soldier_GL_DDPM", "BAF_Soldier_MG_DDPM"];


//Global variable to activate/deactivate sounds
//MM_SOUNDS = true; to activate sounds in the Medevac
//MM_SOUNDS = false; to deactivate sounds and let the sideChat make the work

MM_SOUNDS = false;

Regards Breaklight
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