Member levels....

Is the 90 day no log on cull acceptable?

  • Yes... they are not real members.

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • No... they have joined so should stay members.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wait I have another idea (define in thread).

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • Dont care either way.

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
Just a quick check with you guys.

At the moment members who sign up are instantly accepted. Unless they are spam bots with adverts in their sig line who I immediately dispatch to the great spam graveyard.

To remain a member all you have to do is log on to your account once every 3 months (90 days)... members who dont log on within 3 months are deleted by my auto prune programme. Logging on is all you have to do.. not post a result, play in a tournie or anything... just log on.

Are you guys happy with that or do you think once you become a member you should not get culled with 90 days inactivity?

I will stick a little poll up for your responses.
Yes, they can't be real members if they haven't logged on for 3 months, we can't carry passengers as we go marching on..:)

Aye, 90 days is plenty. Maybe some sort of forum stickied post alerting to this condition might be warranted.

Awesome vid as always Spike, watched it twice. I imagine that if you suggested to those lads that they were wearing skirts, you'd get your head shoved so far up your own arse you'd be tasting last weeks breakfast. :tape2:
It can always happen, though, that some old-timer lost his internet connection/is in a foreign country/is in hospital due to an accident/whatever. In that case you might think about some security mechanism for making you aware of that fact so you can contact him. E.g. Andre hasn't been seen on here for quite some time now and itd be a pity would he get deleted.
I think that there is always possible to register again ;) so 90 days is long enough to keep active members in database and don't bother of non-active
Is there a way for an e-mail to be generated, say, a week before they are going to be deleted, just to give them a chance to log-in? 3 months is a long time not to login, but like Earl Grey points out, there are a number of possible scenarios that could cause it, especially as our average age increases :loco: Just a thought.
How about 90 day elimination if its a non-poster.
Posters get "Inactive" after 90 days, accompanied with an email asking them to come and pop in and if all is well. After say another 3 to 6 months a definite ditch.
Is that possibly? I think that way you can catch quite a few of the scenarios EoG sketched.

I do notice that we always say hello new member ... but they never reply!!
I'v only seen 1 reply and that was Phatommajor
...not that I've been here that long though
Ok Im running a forum upgrade today. What I also intend to do is if a new member signs up and doesnt post with 7 days they get booted. Its only fair that poor Hedgehog and the rest of us get an acknowledgement to our welcomes.

Im being harsh but screw it... if someone doesnt have the time within the first week of joining to reply its adios.
Ok Im running a forum upgrade today. What I also intend to do is if a new member signs up and doesnt post with 7 days they get booted. Its only fair that poor Hedgehog and the rest of us get an acknowledgement to our welcomes.

Im being harsh but screw it... if someone doesnt have the time within the first week of joining to reply its adios.

You can't be fairer than that mate
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