Mikey wins Rico's Last Man Standing (2) Tourney!



Mikey v Bert Blitzkrieg, the Final mirror.

Mikey- "Couple of turns in, action begins.
My Russian advanced recon HT's pepper Bert's first Puma with bullets, forcing it to bail"


"While meanwhile, Bert's Tiger's are forced to stay in their den while a firestorm rages outside..."

"In the other game, one of my Tiger's picks off this enemy HT, putting it's ATG rider in trouble"...

"Bert decided to surrender both games.
Final mirror results:

Mikey Allied Total Victory 87-13.
Mikey Axis Total Victory 91-9"

"Main reason was the smoke.
I used smoke to cover the exit of my Axis forest starting point, so my Tigers could deploy themselves in safety.
Bert's lack of smoke cover meant his Tanks had to endure a constant barrage of Area Fire'd 122mm shells...
Check out the craters... All area fire:"


"My Axis column rolls on... Smoke screen first, smoke clears, Hell erupts, Tigers win, All Allied tanks in the background are Kaput:
Good Games Bert."


Bert Blitzkrieg- "I don't think it was the smoke (exclusively). Mikey knew better then me how to play these two scenarios. I learned (well, I least I hope I did) the hard way. Playing on was a waste of time so I surrendered both of them."
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