Minefield passage



Hi All,

was playing a small 2 company battle the other day and was advancing across an open field with a Stuart in support.

I had 1 platoon covering alomg the hedge row as well, 2 sections forward, platoon Hq in middle 3rd section in reserve as we advanced, we got half way across when we hit mines on the front right section. Ok, everybody stops advance and covers their arcs, I have no engineer assets so cant mark the mines, so decide to slow crawl across the mined area, this produces 4 casualties within the advancing platoon, which I can live with. I then bring up a second Stuart to cover the first one across so it can move up in line with the first platoon who are now holding the opposite Bocage hedgerow, 1st Stuart moves off, nice and slow the BAAM!!!! up it goes. Ideas please to escape this problem when you have no engineer assets, N.B the field was the only way around as my right flank was all marsh land and was without any cover?


When I hit mines, I crawl back the way I came which reduces the mines effect . One thing that does frustraite me is I send a couple of scouts forward, they walk through the mines with out seeing the mines or being effected so I send the rest of the Squad foward then BANG the mines go off !!
No way that I know of. If there were AP mines, fair chance there are AT mines as well. If it was a likely avenue of approach for armor, the likely-hood goes up. Looks like you go via another route or take your chances on getting across the field.
That's what I was thinking, will have to re-look at the scenario and see how to crack this little nut, right flank is as said a no no, as marsh and totally open, if I stick my nose out there I just know I am going to get malleted big time, even with smoke. So i think it might be a case of try and get through with as low a loss as possible.
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