In Panama City...
The Inter-American Conference, with 21 countries participating, establishes a 300-mile security zone off the American coast in which any act of war is to be interpreted as a hostile act against the country concerned.
In Britain...
Special tribunals begin to deal with an estimated 50,000 enemy aliens registered in the London area.
In France...
A Franco-Czech agreement is signed providing for the raising of a Czech National Army in exile.
In Berlin...
The German government advises the United States that all merchant ships in international waters will be subject to boarding by German naval forces to search for contraband.
Over Germany...
The RAF makes its first nighttime leaflet raid on Berlin.
The Inter-American Conference, with 21 countries participating, establishes a 300-mile security zone off the American coast in which any act of war is to be interpreted as a hostile act against the country concerned.
In Britain...
Special tribunals begin to deal with an estimated 50,000 enemy aliens registered in the London area.
In France...
A Franco-Czech agreement is signed providing for the raising of a Czech National Army in exile.
In Berlin...
The German government advises the United States that all merchant ships in international waters will be subject to boarding by German naval forces to search for contraband.
Over Germany...
The RAF makes its first nighttime leaflet raid on Berlin.