[MOVIE] Napoleon

Disappointed. They made a caricature out of this great man.
Saw this last night and I wouldn’t say it was worth the price of admission. Reportedly he’s going to release a 4.5 hour cut on Apple TV+ so I may give it a try but I thought it was pretty awful. Quite a mean spirited film, they skip from the royalist uprising straight to Egypt with slight mention of Italy and it’s never really shown nor explained as to WHY he was such a beloved military and political leader in France. The battles are meh and I don’t even know why they showed Borodino at all other than to highlight how many soldiers died.

Napoleon himself was portrayed as an odd, mumbling, borderline mentally ill ego-maniac. In fact we get little insight into Napoleon himself beyond he was obsessed with Josephine, who felt more like the main character in this film.

It all felt really rushed, but when you try to cover 20+ years of one of the most turbulent times in European history into 2.5 hours that was inevitable I guess.
I wasn’t going to comment on the accuracy of the battles because it’s well recorded that it isn’t accurate but I wasn’t prepared for how far off the mark they were. They basically just made it up
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