Mulitplayer Mission Planning and Preparation - What do you think?



This is actually a reply to a post of POS in the other thread here, but i thought it might be best to give it its own thread.
We might get some interesting ideas / discussion and that would be off topic for the thread where it came from ;)

Yeah that's the way to do it mate, we're adult wargamers not kids, so we should adopt a professional approach and post the map and briefing DAYS before the start, so we can discuss and plan everything in detail just like a real-life military operation so that when we go to the start line we know EXACTLY what to do and won't be running round like headless chickens..:)

I've got an idea,let me put it down here in steps how i think it could go.

I think of a general storyline and post a Warning Order / Operations Order in the Arma thread at forums.
The order will contain four essential elements: the situation, mission, general instructions
and special instructions. (Mission specific, ie laser operator needed, avialbly assets such as CAS, ARTY, MEDIVAC; needed skills for coming action, option for use of a certain mod or not?, dispostion of enemy forces, dispostion of friendly forces, ect)
This is where members can express the wish to participate in the mission. A date could be set? And a mission leader chosen?

Also in this first post a call is done upon another member to participate in the development of the mission, by being the devils adjudant. In other words, from a list they pick the enemy forces and with an overview of the map and keeping in mind the general situation, place these units. This member does'nt need to have Arma as they play the role of the enemy commander as such.
I would provide a list of availibly forces and a jpg of the map. They could with a paint prog paint on the jpeg where they want the forces and roughly their actions. ie patrolling, static.
This information and instructions i would then work into the mission via the editor.

3. Now we would have a 'enemy' commander who gives placing and instruction. We would have the members for the mission team, plus team leader. (he makes the call during the mission; important because all plans become obsolete as soon as you make contact with the enemy).
This would then be the stage that the team does their planning for mission. I could post jpg's of the map and specfifc areas. They mark how and what, where and when, and why.
Discuss with each other if they use certain elements or not etc.
They could with the jpg maps and intel that i provide and post in the thread make their intial planning; I would then work the results of this mission planning where needed into the mission editor.

4. Now the the team has the planning complete, decided on the course of action by what-ifs etc, i would finish up the mission and make it ready to host. We would make a date to execute the mission.

5. The results and how it went we could post as a final posting in the thread.


>>This action would be initial against the AI, but if you got more players you could make it players v players.
Or say that the Opfor has open seats that are filled by whoever joins the server because we make it public and not locked?
>> Also with part One, it could be another member who thinks of a general scenario of task? Does'nt specfically have to have arma
>> Ideas enough.

What do you?
Reagards Breaklight
aka The Bleak knight!
Im already badgering away at something like this.

1 - Im working on the premise of a war with Iran. The Iran pack download is amazing and works a treat. Everything else will be vanilla from the box. Im also having a look at the briefing editors etc as its a bit more complicated than before. I like POS' idea of starting off easy and progressing.

2 - I think this may hamper development of the mission. Best to programme in a random factor meaning patrols etc are placed at random or perhaps set up Ambient Combat?

3 - I agree an overview post on the forum for folk to look at and put up a plan is a good idea.

4 - Obsolete due to the randomness factor filtered in number 2.

5 - An AAR is important.

6 - I dont like the idea of throwing an open server. I prefer to keep it in house and yeah if we do get enough we award OpFor positions.
Ive been working flat out the last few days designing a scenario for FGM. Its on hold just now to see if POS is gonna get ARMAII.

Ive built it on the premise that he is. To play this we need the Iran module (free download) which works perfectly.

The scenario IMO is pretty cool. Night parachute insertion by US special forces.... a yomp across the desert to a border outpost with a radar installation. Take out the OpFor n the area. Hack into the radar and hold the outpost until armour arrives to relieve you.

If POS doesnt get ARMAII I will try and reconfigure it to use Takistani Army. :(
Carry on without me, I'm nowhere near combat-ready, remember I had to ask you what the binoc and compass keys were in our recent game, that shows how green I am!
It's no fun at all to run around the map without knowing half the keys and stuff, so I need at least another month to become reasonably fluent.
The Arrowhead manual is thin and krap and doesn't even mention some of the things i need to know such as how to make the "suppressive fire" order work, so I have to keep asking at the AA forum and it all takes time.
If I still like the game in a month, i'll get AA2 Combined Ops..:)
I guess my copy won't arrive fast enough to join this one...
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