Multiple commanders on one front



is it possible to fight battles where 2 or more people, on the same side fight together against an opponent? (ie 2 German commanders on one battlefield coordinating an attack against one or more allied commanders) ?????
I think that possible with lots of emails and password exchanged /agreements. Sharing turns would be about as far as I can see it happening in CM. I could be wrong. Two guys as germans and two as allies, putting their heads together so that their side would win. That would be interesting, we could have say, 2 canucks against two yanks or brits or germans...a national title at FGM I will ponder that. Fighting for the fatherland/motherland/ englishbreakfast tea/ American apple pie / or some good old canadian beaver.
each person of the nation in question would not have to have the file
Yeah we talked in the chatroom, I will sleep on this idea.
I am involved in a team game with Devilbull. We started the game months ago (we met on the blitz) and it is progressing very slowly. It definitely takes a bunch more time than a regular PBEM. Lots of different files to email, both txt and cmg. Hard enough for me to keep up with and I'm not the one coordinating it. The scenario we are playing is large and has a large number of turns making it a little hard to keep track of whose units are whose. If I were to do it again it would be a smaller scenario with fewer turns.
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