I am truly perplexed that so many of my friends are against a mosque being built near Ground Zero. I think it should be the goal of every person to be tolerant. The mosque should be allowed, in an effort to promote tolerance.

That is why I also propose, that two nightclubs be opened next door to the mosque thereby promoting tolerance within the mosque. We could call one of the clubs (which would be gay) "The Turban Cowboy" and the other being a topless bar "You Mecca Me Hot".

Next door should be a butcher shop that specializes in pork and adjacent to that have an open barbecue pork rib restaurant, called something like “Iraq o’ Ribs”?

Across the street there could be a very daring lingerie store called Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret with sexy mannequins in the window modeling the goods.

Next door to the lingerie shop, there would be room for an Adult Toy Shop (Koranal Knowledge), its name in flashing neon lights, and on the other side a liquor store, maybe call it "Morehammered"?

Then the Muslims could be allowed to show their tolerance. Problem solved.
By that logic every church should be surrounded by abortion clinics and gay bars
As stated by article, a mosque in this place would be a failure and respect..

I have actually learned a lot more about Islam since 9/11. This has only hardened my resolve as I now see that it is a false religion that should be stamped out the same way that Nazism and Fascism were.
Lord Bane
I am routinely amazed how the lecturere's on tolerance overlook that Islam tolerates nothing. I have no sympathy for the Imams and their followers, whose pathos leads to the murderous violence of the past 30 years. But, after a decade of war with them you have to wonder what they hoped to accomplish? If nothing else we have learned who Muslims are, at least those Muslims in eastern Asia.

For myself, I have started to consider that the heavy hand of western culture, with particular emphasis on political correctness and secularism, is the primary reason we are in conflict with this theology. I wonder how quickly support for violent opposition towards western societies would evaporate if western societies would abandon their international demands that Islamic countries conform to secularism and an inssitance that they embrace all that goes with it? I wonder if those of us in Western societies would behave any differently if the sum of our material possessions paled in comparison to our spiritual one's?

This is what happens when you combine a few drinks with the memories associated with the funeral I attended of a young man killed by a sniper in Iraq. It was a couple years ago, so no need to comment on it. It just struck me that a couple years ago we honored our young men and women killed in the Middle-east with attendance at their funerals by the Governor's and congressmen of their home state's. Now you have to look in the back pages to learn that they we're killed.....
By that logic every church should be surrounded by abortion clinics and gay bars

No problem and like true Christians we should invite the homosexuals and people who work in and visit the abortion clinics in to the church and help them with everything they need. Without comprimising your own faith of course. And that may differ from Christian to Christian.
If a muslim is friends with us, he's not a true muslim according to the Koran, so they will NEVER like us because their kids have it brainwashed into them from an early age that we're 'unjust'-
[Koran 5.51] "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people"

And remember the muslims in the US Army who went on killing sprees against US soldiers on army bases? This is the verse that put them up to it-
[Koran 9.123] "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard against evil"

So how can we ever trust a muslim?
The best that can be said about the Koran is that it openly admits Jesus existed and performed miracles, but then in its next breath it says the crucifixion was a con trick, and that he wasn't the Son of God.

So because of the way the Koran mixes truth and untruth, it puts me in mind of a couple of lines from an X-Files episode-
INFORMANT- "An untruth often goes unnoticed if it's sandwiched between two truths"
MULDER- "I'm wondering which lie to believe next"
No problem and like true Christians we should invite the homosexuals and people who work in and visit the abortion clinics in to the church and help them with everything they need. Without comprimising your own faith of course. And that may differ from Christian to Christian.

There are two sorts of christians- the REAL ones who you wouldn't mind spending eternity with, and the numbnuts.
Gays are often their own worst enemy by indiscreetly flaunting their homosexuality. Many christians wouldn't object to them attending church providing they didn't start shagging each other among the pews..
Regarding abortion, many christians have no beef with it if continuing the pregnancy would pose serious health risks for the mother or baby, or if scans and tests show the baby is likely to be born terribly mentally or physically handicapped.
If such a pregnancy is allowed to go ahead, I can imagine a dialog like this-
MOTHER- "Oh God, how could you let my baby be born as a vegetable?"
GOD- "But I gave humans the medical knowledge to create scanning machines so they'd have the option to abort, what else could I do?"
In my corner of the world we knew Muslims and their practices very well,it is sad that the entire world had to know also in this terrible way....
And i m not speaking about some Middle East lunatic country but the most secular state among the whole Islam world:Turkey.
Islam has been a faith of death, violence and destruction since its birth.
Tolerance for Muslims is an unknown word and whoever has spent some time in a Muslim country knows it very well.
As far as im concerned i dont want them in Europe and they should remain in Asia where they belong.
The Israeli invasion of Palestine in the 1967 Six-Day War sparked off muslim unrest in a big way which continues to the present day.
It must have annoyed muslims that the rest of the world stood by and let the Israelis steal their country.
So in fairness to muslims, I've been saying for years the Israelis should give Palestine back to them.
I've also been saying for years America should stop supporting Israel with cash and super-duper weaponry, making herself a terror target as 'Israel's friend'.
Why don't the great American people start saying "Why the hell is our government supporting Israel? What has Israel ever done for us?"

Osama bin Laden to CNN in March 1997- "We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly or through its support of the Israeli occupation." -

Same with Afghanistan, I'm a member of a Brit political party that will bring our troops home, I mean Afgh is nothing to do with us, and as long as we're there the British homeland will be a terror target.
The Israeli invasion of Palestine in the 1967 Six-Day War sparked off muslim unrest in a big way which continues to the present day.
It must have annoyed muslims that the rest of the world stood by and let the Israelis steal their country.
So in fairness to muslims, I've been saying for years the Israelis should give Palestine back to them.

This is UTTER BS !!

Palestine has never been "their" country ! Never ever in history ! The so-called Palestinians have always been a part of one regime or another. That goes back to the crusades and beyond. And the territory which was conquered by Israel 1967 ( the so-called Westbank) was then part of Jordan. So, it was never stolen !

And to call it an invasion is so far beyond reality. You should and could have known better.

You've let yourself be tricked by mainstream media.
... the territory which was conquered by Israel 1967 ( the so-called Westbank) was then part of Jordan. So, it was never stolen ! ..

Well something certainly seems to have upset the Palestinians, and it probably upset them even more to see much of the advancing Israeli armour was American-built.
The seeds of 9/11 were sown here..

Six-Day War, June 1967
POS you forget the a huge portion of Israeli armor was British.

But i think this topic is redundant now, there are obviously different views on this and it would be a shame for it to turn people against each other.
Oh, here we go again....


KV's are ridiculously strong, even when pummeled with 76mm T, AP and HC rounds, they still lumber on..... ;-)
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