My Status


Lt. Smash

Hey, guys. Just a quick word. I know I haven't been around the board much lately. Work has been kept me travelling almost constantly since mid-summer. This has meant my ability to engage in discussions has been inconsistent at best. My turn rate has suffered a similar fate as @Cargol, @Bidermann, and @Hang Fire can attest.

It used to be that when I traveled, I could play CMx2 on the road; however, my company switched out my laptop earlier in the year and the replacement could not run CMx2 due to the video card. The good news is that I was just given a Surface Pro tablet and I've been able to get CMx2 running on it fairly well. I'm hoping that this increases my turn rate and keeps me a bit more engaged around here.

This is a great community and I've missed being a regular part of it.
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