Got out of bed. Found I only had a case of beer and a pack of sausages to last me for the day. Drank six beers and got wasted. Went into sauna, but couldn't get it going because I was wielding the water ladle like a retard and the water kept spilling out before it got to the rocks. Swore a lot. Stumbled back to kitchen and ate sausages. Opened back door to house and let a mosquito in. Swore some more. Fell into the bathroom and took a pee in the sink. Fed up with the day, I went back to bed and woke up in the middle of the night. Drank some more beer. Decided to try work on my car by building the engine. After hours of working on it only to get the crankshaft and camshaft in, I swear at the engine and go back in the house. Some random lady calls asking me to remove the waste in her septic tank or something. "Yeah, whatever," I tell her. Start up my van and drive down the road a bit. Get to an intersection and try to figure out which way to go since the lady didn't tell me where she lived. Have to pee again, so get out and do it in the middle of the road. Get back in the van and the van decides to flip over all by itself, busting out the windshield. Starts to rain, so I give the one finger salute to the sky and swear some more. Walk back to house in rain. Perkele.