Natahnguns guide to Geccos for idoits. :)



I'm starting this tread so when I finally get a campaign going this will be the programe I'd except the leaders of the opposing armies to use.
Find it here:
Please note, if your wishing to copy/paste into/from Geccos you'll find it in the “Pawsoft” folder in programs.

When you start Geccos you'll see this screen.


Now it's time to start a campaign,go to “create campaign” in the file menu and you'll see this screen.
Give the campaign it's full & short name and importantly campaign start date.
For this example I selected 4th of June 1944, 06:00 hrs, I named the campaign D-Day (full & short name).
I do be in the habit of “adding forces” as seen in the screenie below.


Next select your map. For this example I am of course going with a map of northern France, then click on the “create campaign”.


Next comes one of the most important part of the set-up, setting the coordinates in the “Edit” menu.
In the example below, I am using the distance legend on the map as a reference. As you can see in the screenie below you can see the dotted grid (in the red circle), which has to be 1km x 1km squared. (I haven't figured how to do bigger grids, 5km x 5km).


If you see this, just let the program convert the values. (the “yes” option).


Now you have your grid set the screen should look like this.


Wherever you move the mouse over the map you'll see these coordinates (highlighted in red).


Now lets get familiar with the buttons along the top.


I'm going to begin to create some units. First I'll create some Allied units, selecting “allied” in the “force” giving the unit a name, selecting “allied” selecting the unit type (infantry) echolen (company) and selecting a color.
Then create & place.


Repeat this process until all your units are created.
Here I have 3 Infantry Companies and 2 armoured platoons.

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