Need a bit of help



I wonder if anyone can shed some light on this.
I'm currently in PBEM game with Reeeech & when I load up the 63rd file game, take my turn & finish, it saves it with not ReeeechvsVilliamza 064.ema as you would expect but with this instead...ReeeechvsVilliamza 063q 001.ema
What gives??
I think Nelsons right, the sequence only works if there are no breaks due to extra saves...
The critical bit, though, is how the "q" got there in the file name?

The last three characters of a file name need to be numeric: if you load a file xxx 008 and play it, the game will suggest (but allow you to overwrite) xxx 009 as the next file ...

*If* it sees xxx 008q, it doesn't recognise it as turn number (because of the q), and so starts again at xxx 008q 001 ...

Does the file that you are loading already have the "q" in its name?

Could have got there, as the guys suggest, if your opponent has taken more than one sitting to play his complete turn, and made one or more saves during his turn. The game will - annoyingly! - increment the file numbers by 1 for each "local" save, and so will then suggest a final return file name that is the same higher in number as the number of in-turn saves that has been made ... if your opponent e.g. then tries to edit that back to the number it should have been without the intermediate saves, the file name might have accidentally acquired the errant "q"??
OK, so you're thinking that it could be on Reeeech's end and that to fix this Reeeech needs to reload and replay file 062?
PhiM, no turn 063 does not have "q" in it before I play the turn but does when I finish, it should then be written as "064" but ends up as being "063q"

Cheers for the help.
Best way round this is just to rename file as 064, in your out going file.

If I save a file, on a large map... sometimes put, a letter at the end of a number 063a, and so on if saved more than once.

(Tip... always avoid long file names as this can sometime cause problems, plus it can be hard to read all on the PC.)
Good advice there mate
Best way round this is just to rename file as 064, in your out going file.

If I save a file, on a large map... sometimes put, a letter at the end of a number 063a, and so on if saved more than once.

(Tip... always avoid long file names as this can sometime cause problems, plus it can be hard to read all on the PC.)
I will do that, although I'll stick with odd numbers as it helps me keep tabs on who's turn it is.
Many thank for your input.
Anytime I need to do multiple saves for either a game turn or a set up the naming sequence gets all screwed up for me and my playing partners. It's another PIA thing about this game.
I will do that, although I'll stick with odd numbers as it helps me keep tabs on who's turn it is.
Many thank for your input.

Not that it is an answer, but ... if you are doing the odd game turn numbers, why - in your original post - did you say that you expected the game to number your latest turn 064?

It sounds like the turn numbers have already got out of sequence? That you expected to receive and play 062, and return 063?

I still don't understand how the q is getting there in the save name being suggested by the game ( 063q 001 ??), if it wasn't there in the filename of the turn you loaded.

The switch - if it is so - for you from odd to even numbers, unless you edit it, suggests that the number sequence has already been disturbed, which is the prime circumstance for the file name to have been manually typo'd somehow ...

Anyway, hope it all works for you from now on!
Not that it is an answer, but ... if you are doing the odd game turn numbers, why - in your original post - did you say that you expected the game to number your latest turn 064?

It sounds like the turn numbers have already got out of sequence? That you expected to receive and play 062, and return 063?

I still don't understand how the q is getting there in the save name being suggested by the game ( 063q 001 ??), if it wasn't there in the filename of the turn you loaded.

The switch - if it is so - for you from odd to even numbers, unless you edit it, suggests that the number sequence has already been disturbed, which is the prime circumstance for the file name to have been manually typo'd somehow ...

Anyway, hope it all works for you from now on!
I receive odd & send back even.
To clarify, my opponent sent to me file number 063 & I would normally return to him 064 but when I hit the finish button and the screen changes to one showing the file name its 063q.

So, when I get home later (am at work, don't tell the boss) I'll replay my turn (063) and when the file screen comes up I'll rename it from 063q to 064. Or even re-name the file still waiting in dropbox, doh!
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It has been said by others but I'll reiterate here; always keep the PBEM names short and simple. Saves you the headache later.
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