Need help determining what I need to upgrade on my desktop


Tyson Pearsall

So, I don't know too much about computers, but I do know that mine isn't that great and on large maps/huge engagements my PC just can't handle it.

I'm looking to those out there who have a better knowledge than myself to perhaps lend some advice as to what would be some of the more cost effective ways to upgrade my PC to allow me to both enjoy large scale engagements, while still keeping the graphics as high as possible.

Intel Core i5-2310 @ 2.90 GHz
RAM 6.0 GB
3831MB Graphics memory
1024MB Dedicated graphics memory
Windows 7 Home
(I know so little about computers I don't know if there is more relevant information that you would require to know more about my system...)

This used to be an older Dell Inspiron 620 that I upgraded a bit ago. I guess I should ask if its worth upgrading or if I should just scrap it and build from scratch. Thanks in advance for all your help, its greatly appreciated.
I am of the opinion that building from scratch gives better performance in gaming, as one can concentrate on the features you want, while pre-mades like Dell tend to be generic in nature. It's kinda like building a multi purpose fighter aircraft, in that they can perform any mission needed, but therefore don't excel in any specific mission.
Facman is correct...but if your funds are limited...there some good deal to be had online.
I'm recommend Fry's online or Gamer Republic laptops will have specials on hot gaming computers.
That how I purchased a system for one of my sons and another for myself.
Good luck
Here's a site that rates all kinds of components. Check out cpu, video boards, etc. Using the numbers can help find that balance between performance and $$$. Compare speed of the parts to your existing system. just make sure your power supply can handle all the requirements.
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Thanks for your help guys! Really helpful tool Belenko. I might end up waiting for a little while before I just build a custom PC, but if money doesn't permit in a while I may have to just upgrade what might be most cost effective.

Thanks again guys.
Im still using my 4.5 year old PC:
Core i7 920 @ 2.66 GHz
6GB Ram
AMD Radeon 5870
160GB Corsair SSD

Not found any game that was slow enough to warrant an upgrade yet.
Thanks for the thoughts, friends. I think I'm going to keep my eyes peeled to and a few other sites, for when their deals come out and I'll gradually purchase the pieces to my new pc bit by bit.
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