Need some advice...


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
Can anybody tell me how I can send exe-files per mail? I want to send the 1.03 patch for CMAK to a friend. But googlemail didn´t want to send it because security reasons.

Greetings and thanks to you in anticipation!
Change the extension from .exe to .txt then you can email it, then your friend just needs to change it back to .exe from .txt
@BertBlitzkrieg: No, sadly not! :(

@Johnny: Sorry mate, but it seems not to work. Have tried it a couple of times but always there comes the security warning. Another suggestion?

I just did it and managed to send you a .exe file over my googlemail
Make sure you have the "show file extensions" option ticked in your windows explorer options, or it might be called "hide common file extensions" in which case it needs to be unticked, of course they'll be in german and not English ; )
Sadly I have no Windows Explorer. I use Firefox. Could that be the problem? I´m a total noob with such things. Sorry!

No Windows Explorer, not internet explorer : ) it is the program you use to view all your files etc : )
I´m using Windows XP-Pro if I´m right. OK, I´ll check it again. Thought You meant the browser.
Let me know if you still can't get it and i'll do you an illustrated walk through : )
The simples way is to just "zip" (or "rar") the file. Won't make it any smaller, but will help circumvent the limitations of the system.
@Earl: Sadly not - that´s exact what I tried.

@Johnny: I´m afraid I´m to stupid.:smash: Seems so as I´d need Your professional help and an illustrating. :help:

@Earl: Sadly not - that´s exact what I tried.

Did you use ordinary ZIP format? Windows has that "integrated" (meaning: you can browse a ZIP file just like an ordinary folder) and therefore can look into it. I recommend either using the 7Z format or RAR. That should work.
I did it with normal Zip and 7Z-Zip. Both didn´t work. Have to look if I have a rar-programm. But have not much hope it works.
There we got it - you shouldn't use the 7Z-ZIP format but the 7Z format instead. That program does both - but 7Z is much, much better. :)
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