NEW Campaign System in Development

As part of a constant evolutionary design process in trying to develop the best campaign system for CM, I have arrived at a new set of ideas over the last few weeks based on CMBB.


The basis for this system are battle-group counters that display unit building blocks that make up each battlegroup.

Armour counters are tank or sp gun platoons.
Infantry counters represent Companies.
AT Gun and FLAK counters represent batteries of 3 guns.
Mortar counters represent one spotter each.
Artillery counters are posted with HQ units who assign their support fire to battlegroups which will be represented as arty spotters in the CM battle.

The battle groups are built by each side's CO as per requirement and can also be freely named and designated by the CO.

There are stacking limits -- each battlegroup counter has a limit of SIX unit blocks.
Other limits: max of 3 armour units, max of 2 infantry coys
All other units not limited to the maximum stacking limitation of 6 unit blocks per battlegroup.

Battles are set up on QB maps reflecting terrain (you can see on the map that units may also entrench) using the units on the battlegroup counters and any arty support assigned by the HQ's.

Casualties are tracked and rounded up or down -- any unit in the CM battle with more than 50% casualties has it's unit block eliminated from the battle group counter.
Any unit which suffers 50% or less casualties is retained and deemed full strength for the next battle.

There are two ways I am thinking of handling building or arrival of new units:
1. I build a map with two fictional countries at war (like the Island Wars Campaign) and have each city/town assigned Production Points and these are spent every turn on building new units, HQs, launch attacks etc.
So, if one side loses towns or cities, their ability to build new units declines
2. Create a reinforcement schedule for each side either based on a historical campaign or a random/fictional system.

More details and thoughts as I go along.
Sounds interesting and might in fact be the perfect system for a QB-style campaign. Looking forward to your further development...
An example of possible battles:


1 SS Pz Div attacks 45 Rifle Div (dug in)
Axis Attack - all units are Regular.
1 SS Pz consists of:
2x Pltns PzIVh (10)
2x Coys PzGren Mot
1x battery 37mm Flak (3)
1x 81 mortar spotter (radio)
I SS Pz Korps Support:
1x 105 spotter (r)
1x 150 spotter (r)

45th Rifle consists of:
1x SMG Infantry Coy
1x battery AT guns (3)
1x battery 37mm Flak (3)
(Dug In bonus: trenches & minefields -- to be still decided)
3rd ARMY support:
1x 76 gun spotter
1x 122 gun spotter

This battle would be generated on a QB map with both sides buying just the forces - this could be done by a neutral tourneymeister too.

2 SS Pz attacks 1st Guards Tk
Axis Probe - defender not dug in - all units regular.
2 SS Pz consists of:
1x pltn PzIVh (5)
1x heavy pltn PzV or Tiger (5 or 4)
1x pltn StuG (3)
1x Coy PzGren Armoured
1x 81 spotter (r)
1x pltn PSW323 + 1pltn HvyAufkl.

1st Guards Tk consists of:
2x 2pltns T-34/85 (12)
1x Coy MotHvy SMG
1x battery 37mm Flak (3)
Nice example, but why are there only 2 Korps support assets in the above when the marker actually shows 4? Are they kept back or are they transferred to 1 SS and 2 SS respectively? In that case I'd like to have a way of showing Korps assets attached to individual battlegroups - maybe a different color for those counters?
1) where do we sign up?:target:
2)If u need a playtester just say so :whip:
Nice example, but why are there only 2 Korps support assets in the above when the marker actually shows 4? Are they kept back or are they transferred to 1 SS and 2 SS respectively? In that case I'd like to have a way of showing Korps assets attached to individual battlegroups - maybe a different color for those counters?

There are only two Korps Artillery assets in the I SS Pz Korps HQ -- and have been both assigned to support one attack.

The other two assets are a Flak unit and an Armoured Recce unit -- both held as reserve to reinforce losses in the battle groups.
(the example is pretty arbitrary :) )
There are only two Korps Artillery assets in the I SS Pz Korps HQ -- and have been both assigned to support one attack.

The other two assets are a Flak unit and an Armoured Recce unit -- both held as reserve to reinforce losses in the battle groups.
(the example is pretty arbitrary :) )

That's all I wanted to know. Just a suggestion on my part in case those would be attached to a battlegroup so you don't loose track of corps assets.
Ah, that way around. Yes, sounds good - so you designate reserve units BEFORE the battle and those get attached to the corps HQ? Artillery rules sound reasonable.
Your an example to use all Rico, another good system of CM campaigns. :thumb:
It would be great if we could devise a campaign system that we all could use. It means we could design campaigns and everyone is used to and aware of the rules involved instead of having different campaign rules. thats what I like... thats what I want. :)
It would be great if we could devise a campaign system that we all could use. It means we could design campaigns and everyone is used to and aware of the rules involved instead of having different campaign rules. thats what I like... thats what I want. :)

Yes, that would be great :)
I am always wondering if one could buld something using Flash, but I don't know my way around that software much.
What program are you using for the hex-based maps? I have looked at HexDraw but you are limited in size to 20x20, or is there a way around this?
Either way this looks like a campaign system we can all build upon - not too complex but complex enough to satisfy accuracy and certainly more fun in the long run than simple human purchase QBs or pre-built forces (not that these aren't fun, but I personally like the above much more).
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