**NEW** Combat Mission Afghanistan



CM Afghanistan announced!

See Battlefront site for more.......
CM Afghanistan announced! <table class="contentpaneopen"><tbody><tr> <td> CM Afghanistan - News </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="createdate" valign="top"> Thursday, 04 February 2010 </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" valign="top">
Battlefront.com, a leading independent wargame publisher and developer on the net, and Snowball, a leading Russian software publisher and developer, are proudly introducing COMBAT MISSION AFGHANISTAN!
Combat Mission Afghanistan is the first collaboration between Battlefront and a third party studio to create a completely new game in the Combat Mission series. CM Afghanistan is a standalone game and not an expansion, and does not require any of the other games to play!
CM Afghanistan covers two periods of the Russian-Afghan wars - the initial phase 1980-1982, and the later years of highest activity 1985-1987 - in two campaigns and ten standalone missions. CM Afghanistan is not just a mission pack: based on the latest CM engine in development, the game includes not only all new artwork, terrain, new units, new weapons, and new nations, but also introduces some completely new game features, such as exit objective zones and more! Players are able to take command of Soviet or DRA (Democratic Republic of Afghanistan) Army units as well as mujahedeen guerilla forces.
CM Afghanistan is currently in development and is expected to be ready for release in Q2 this year, 2010. It will be available in retail throughout Eastern Europe directly from Snowball, and in an english version worldwide only from www.battlefront.com/afghanistan!
Combat Mission Afghanistan is the first collaboration between Battlefront and a third party studio to create a completely new game in the Combat Mission series. CM Afghanistan is a standalone game and not an expansion, and does not require any of the other games to play!
CM Afghanistan covers two periods of the Russian-Afghan wars - the initial phase 1980-1982, and the later years of highest activity 1985-1987 - in two campaigns and additionally ten standalone missions. The fully featured editor will of course allow players to create all new custom maps and missions.

CM Afghanistan is not just a mission pack: based on the latest CM engine in development, the game includes all new artwork, terrain, new units, new weapons, and new nations! Players are able to take command of Soviet or DRA (Democratic Republic of Afghanistan) Army units as well as mujahedeen guerrilla forces.
But it doesn't end there. CM Afghanistan introduces completely new features to the series, such as:

  • Drozd Active Defense system (on T-55AD and T-62D; shoots down incoming RPGs)
  • Multi-barreled rapid-fire cannon (e.g. ZSU-23 Shilka, Kamaz ZU-23)
  • New terrain such as Snow (on the ground) and Water
  • Exit Zones (a new type of objective)

CM Afghanistan is bursting with a large variety of Soviet-made vehicles and weapons. An excerpt from the vehicle list:

  • BMD-1
  • BMD-2
  • BMP-1D
  • BMP-2D
  • BTR-70
  • BTR-80
  • Kamaz4310
  • Kamaz-ZU23
  • T55AD
  • T62
  • Ural375
  • ZSU23 Shilka
The Stock Campaign and Missions
The two stock campaigns cover two periods of the Afghan wars - the beginning phase (1980-1982) and the later years of highest activity and most intense hostilities, 1985-1987. The tactics are different for these periods – during the first stage of the war, the mujahedeen forces attempted to fight against the Soviet Army and the Army of the DRA (Democratic Republic of Afghanistan) on “equal footing”. Later on, the mujahedeen realized that these tactics would not lead to success and they turned to guerrilla actions.

Campaign 1: Soviet Invasion
1980-1982. This campaign is dedicated to the 108th Motor Rifle Division, located in Kabul and Bagram. The 10 linked missions include clean-up operations, defensive assignments and escort duties in the Kabul, Kandagar, Parwan and other provinces.
Campaign 2: Bloody days
1985-1987. This campaign is dedicated to the 70th Motor Rifle Brigade, located in Kandagar, and is including assault, ambush and clean-up operations in the area.
Stand-alone missions
Ten stand-alone missions round out the stock missions, and include escort duties, clean-up operations, ambushes and night time assaults in the Helmand, Kunduz, Parwan, Nangarhar, Beglan and other provinces between 1981 and 1988.

Some facts about the Afghanistan War
Material losses of the Soviet Union:

  • 118 aircraft
  • 333 helicopters
  • 147 tanks
  • 1,314 IFV/APCs
  • 433 artillery guns and mortars
  • 1,138 radio sets and command vehicles
  • 510 engineering vehicles
  • 11,369 trucks and petrol tankers
Casualties and losses

  • 14,553 killed, 53,753 wounded
Afghan losses:

  • Estimated over 1 million people
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 03 February 2010 )
A better title would be 'The Soviet-Afghan War'.
If Bfront send me a review copy i'll do a full review
Well I just sent them this anyway-

Hi, I'm a game reviewer over at the Few Good Men Club and am on Matrix Games press reviewer list, also Paradox are sending me their new Kharkov 43 to review.
if you'd like me to review your CM Afghanistan, by all means send me a review copy or download link if you like.
Poor Old Spike (FGM Adjutant)

My other reviews-
Yes, they banned me from the Bfront site 7 years ago for upsetting people in their Political Discussion section.
I later tried to bury the hatchet by offering my free services as playtester/developer for any other games they were bringng out, but they mumbled something about not liking my "attitude" whatever that meant, so I left them to it, no skin off my nose if they don't want me to help them become millionnaires by producing a range of stunning wargames..:)
If they send me a copy of CM:Afgh to review, i'll review it, if not, why should I care, ha ha..:)

PS- In fact I was working alongside wargame programmers 25 years ago at CCS to help them develop their stuff and getting paid for it, here are 3 of my babies, I bin around-

Regarding Bfront in general, they hit the bigtime by producing Cmbo/ bb/ ak which are the best tactical PC games i've ever seen and were therefore on course like a star American footballer with a clear run into the endzone, but then they fumbled the ball by not bringing out a range of other titles all using the old CM engine.
I mean, if they'd brought out follow-up CM stuff like this over the years they'd be millionnaires by now-
Poland 1939
Blitzkrieg 1940
Blitzkrieg in Britain (hypothetical Ger invasion)
Blitzkrieg in USA (hypo Ger inv)
D-Day to Berlin
Pacific War
Gulf War

Plus a whole range of other periods all using the old CM engine- WW1, US Civil War, Napoleonic,American Revolution, English Civil War, Roman, Greek, Starship Invasion Force etc.
They could still do it..;)

For example, a blurb to accompany the German invasion of mainland USA could be- "Ordering his driver to stop the jeep,forward observer Major Adams got out and scrambled up a ridge to observe the Shenandoah Valley. Wiping the sweat from his eyes as he reached the top, he saw a sight below that took his breath away- the 1st SS Panzer Division "Leibstandarte" deploying for battle.."
Yeah as far as i'm concerned, if BF are looking for yes-men they'll have to get themselves another boy..;)
As long as you remember that BFC has nothing to do with the development of the Afghanistan title - everything is the Russians' fault. :)
A better title would be 'The Soviet-Afghan War 1979-89', otherwise people will see 'Afghanistan' on the shelves and think it's Taliban versus modern Coalition units, then be disappointed when they get it home and find it's only about a 20-year-old war, and they might cry "RIP-OFF!"
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