New Email Address




I have a new email address, and to reach all of my friends/enemies, I shall post it here:

I have numerous games going at the moment, so if I have not sent a file, this is why. Please send me your last move and I will promptly return. Sorry for the mix up.

I have had some unfortunate expeditions into the enemies heartland. Airpower has worked against me, in one game a Jabo hit a FJ Co in the open inflicting 60+ casualties and immobilizing a halftrack. That same game, an artillery barrage from 76.2 mm guns destroyed one Hetzer, immobilized another and damaged the gun of a third... In another game, my fighter knocked out my own Marder - far from the front and my oponent killed one PzIII L/60, immobilized another and damaged the gun of a third!

Not complaining, BUT, I have some work to do to avenge myself.

In the meantime, I have mobilized the Home Front, ruthlessly combed the population for men to fill the ranks, work the factories and prepare the people for what I have declared to be Totaler Krieg!

Wohlt Ihr den Totaler Krieg?

Jawoll, Herr Feldmarschall! :) Will send You an e-mail shortly. I´m a little busy so please don´t be angry I didn´t answer the last one!

Have a nice day, mate!
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