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Just sending out a quick hello to all on this forum.

Used to play old Avalon Hill games and many computer strategy games. Am recently retired and hope to get into some of the Battlefront and Graviteam games.
Big welcome to the Club @Whalus51 The Few Good Men are welcoming you!.... You will find a lot of interesting people here
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Welcome aboard Whalus51.
Like you I cut my wargaming teeth on SPI and Avalon Hill back in the day.
Avalon Hill? :unsure: Sounds familiar. ;)

I feel like I had everyone of their games. From Tactics II in the early 60's culminating with Advanced Squad Leader in the 80's and 90's.
In fact not to long ago, before visiting my brother in Alabama, we bought a 1964 D-Day game off of eBay and we played quite a few times in a row.
Man rolling a six was a real bummer. :)

Welcome aboard!
Avalon Hill? :unsure: Sounds familiar. ;)

I feel like I had everyone of their games. From Tactics II in the early 60's culminating with Advanced Squad Leader in the 80's and 90's.
In fact not to long ago, before visiting my brother in Alabama, we bought a 1964 D-Day game off of eBay and we played quite a few times in a row.
Man rolling a six was a real bummer. :)

Welcome aboard!
Must have felt a little strange playing it considering all the advances that have been made with computer simulations. Guess Tobruk was an attempt at a more realistic simulation but the time spent on rolling the dice was just carpal tunnel inducing. :)

Welcome to the club! Please enjoy a doughnut and some coffee while you look about.