New Zealand is still Shaking




If you haven't heard the South Island of my little country of New Zealand has been hit by a massive earth quake on Saturday September 4th 2010 very early in the morning.

The quake measured 7.1 on the Richter scale. It was centered on Christchurch, the 2nd biggest city in New Zealand. About 140 km's North of where I live.

It hit at 04:37 hrs and it found me and the wife and kids in bed sleeping soundly. We were woken to a loud rumbling sound, like a freight train coming through the house. Then the shaking hit and it went on for about 1 minute. The sound was awesome. We ran to the kids and got them up and under cover. The shake lasted for about 1 minute. The house kept swaying for approx 2-3 minutes, it was like being at sea.

We got the kids back into bed, but found we were unable to sleep. We still had power and listened to the radio for news. Not a lot for a while.

The city of Christchurch was a shambles, historic buildings coming down, others needing to be brought down as they are unsafe. Damage is estimated to be in the billions of $. Homes are wrecks, collapsing, liquefaction, it all happening.

Its almost 2months since D-day so to speak and we are still having aftershocks and are at 2446 after shocks and counting.

I found this, its a map of the aftershocks so far. It shows the main quake and every single aftershock to date. It gets updated with every new after shock.

New Zealand Quake Map

I live at the bottom of that map, A small white dot is my home town, of Timaru. It is just below the township of Seaforth.

We are all getting over the shaking, people are still frazzled and others are non plussed about it, "oh did you feel that, who cares carry on".
I regret what happened, Wigam ...
But I'm glad your family are well ...

I watched the link to the map of New Zealand
What are these numbers that are at the right of the graph?
Hi Louis, thanks I am really glad there was not a single death !

The numbers on the right are the
1. Magnitude
2. depth
3. date & Time of Quake

All 2455 of them.
Any excuse to lose your games to me.........
You know, if you drank a lot, all the time, you wouldn't notice the tremors until you try to detox.
Then I would look like the guy in the vid trying to leave the store with a crate of booze.
none of the large 7.1 type any more, just a few good old 5's and plenty of 4's, 2' and below aren't worthy of a mention anymore.

Quakes here were never like that. Quakes have normally been out at sea around NZ.
When I posted this 21 hours ago, we had 2446 after shocks. Its now up to 2471 aftershocks.

25 afters shocks varying from 2's to 3's. most little more than like a big truck going past your house, but the shallow ones are a bit more like a plane landing next to your house.
Should also be moments of panic ...
Luckily where I live is not a seismic zone, where most western country where there were great earthquakes .-
Recently across the Andes a strong earthquake hit Chile, very serious was it .-
More than 700 dead!


Thats the thing about our quakes, not a single person dead.

Sorry to hear about the quakes in your part of the world louis and the tragic loss of life.
Look Wigam ...
This is a graph of the seismic zones in Latin America .-
Our worst earthquake was in 1944, with 8000 dead, but look Peru: 70,000 dead in May 1970 .-
I live in the white area ....

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