Newbie Question about Terrain Path


Ale Dem

Sorry for the dumb question...but how can I understand if a determined terrain path is blocked?

I mean, I just started a PBEM game and yesterday night I made my setup (playing Tankovyi Desant).
In fact I'm not totally sure where he can cross the rivr or not, looking the map I would say just the bridge and the ford...o_O
I've not played this map, so cannot answer from direct knowledge about crossing this river, or not ...

But, as general principles, there are two different ways I know of to see if a river is fordable:

- walk (or "swim") the terrain ... the view camera at ground level will go underwater, and you can see the depth of the river: either shallow ford, deep ford, or no ford. River is crossable at the ford points, as well as any bridge(s), but not elsewhere;

- try to plot waypoints for your own units; if the map accepts a waypoint (and the movement cursor stays as usual) in the river AS, it is fordable. The waypoint cannot be plotted (and the cursor icon changes to "no go") if the water is too deep to be forded at that point. (Though, to make a unit actually use a ford, waypoints either side of the river will do; this "test plotting" IN the river is only to see if it is fordable or not.)

This help?
Yes, finally I understand how to handle this game mechanic, simply step by step.
My error was to plot few waypoints, i.e. before and after the obstacle but not in the middle, therefore sometimes the unit didn't follow the orders even if the path was clear.

Many thanks :)
PhilM is spot on. When you selected a unit, 'hover' the mouse over certain terrains' and if the cursor turns from green to red you can't move through that terrain.
Another tip or two, plot waypoints at short distances at first. Sometimes you'll notice units moving out of cover and around a terrain feature to get to the next waypoint. Secondly, always always send a two man scout team ahead of the lead infantry platoon and put two other scout teams on the flanks for the platoon ;).

Check these battle drills out.

Thanks Nathangun, very interesting the link you posted for a green like me :D
Remember also that the mouse will tell you other things about the battlefield as well like whether your target or shooting unit is hull down, how many meters between the two etc. It is an invaluable tool.
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