Humming and vibrating noises coming from pipe work when the cold taps are run…. Been getting consistently louder and lasting longer….
Quick look on You Tube… seems I need to replace the ballcock and float valve in the tank in the loft. …. Easy… turn off water supply to tank, undo brass nut and two plastic washer, remove offending articles, replace place with new…. 10 minute job…. For someone who knows what they’re doing!
Check to see if I have the right tools - yes
Get a light for the loft
Remove new chargeable LED light from shed that I only fitted yesterday
Up to loft and off we go
First obstacle
Tap to turn off water supply very stiff and probably hasn’t been turned for 25 yrs
Gently ( I know, I don’t do gentle âš’ï¸âš’ï¸âš’ï¸âš’ï¸âš’ï¸âš’ï¸) ease tap both ways until it frees up then turn it off slowly ( also applied some 3 in 1 oil to help for future use if necessary)
Undoing brass nut - same issue and had to be very careful but got there in the end.
Other two plastic nuts were easier.
Removed ballcock and then took out existing float arm without issue.
New float arm in, new ballcock attached and positioned, then water turned back on.
Slight weep from brass nut to pipe so gently tightened up and then rechecked- all ok.
Let tank refill then ran two cold taps for a minute and turned them off.
Back up to loft to watch water tank refill and check for leaks - all ok and no leaks.
Behold, no more noises from pipework either.
10 minute job took me an hour but alls well that ends well
Now having a nice cuppa.
Quick look on You Tube… seems I need to replace the ballcock and float valve in the tank in the loft. …. Easy… turn off water supply to tank, undo brass nut and two plastic washer, remove offending articles, replace place with new…. 10 minute job…. For someone who knows what they’re doing!
Check to see if I have the right tools - yes
Get a light for the loft
Remove new chargeable LED light from shed that I only fitted yesterday
Up to loft and off we go
First obstacle
Tap to turn off water supply very stiff and probably hasn’t been turned for 25 yrs
Gently ( I know, I don’t do gentle âš’ï¸âš’ï¸âš’ï¸âš’ï¸âš’ï¸âš’ï¸) ease tap both ways until it frees up then turn it off slowly ( also applied some 3 in 1 oil to help for future use if necessary)
Undoing brass nut - same issue and had to be very careful but got there in the end.
Other two plastic nuts were easier.
Removed ballcock and then took out existing float arm without issue.
New float arm in, new ballcock attached and positioned, then water turned back on.
Slight weep from brass nut to pipe so gently tightened up and then rechecked- all ok.
Let tank refill then ran two cold taps for a minute and turned them off.
Back up to loft to watch water tank refill and check for leaks - all ok and no leaks.
Behold, no more noises from pipework either.
10 minute job took me an hour but alls well that ends well
Now having a nice cuppa.