November Screen Shot Competition

KG AirborneBob

if to late for October..perhaps November....

Playing "Storm 555" as Russian against Willard. My SU-122 decides to go for a HE shell instead of a HC. The result:

and again form another angle:

Amazingly it read only as a "partial penetration" !! The second hit was a partial too, but it turned out the first one was already the killer.

(BTW, my first post of a picture !!)
Here's a sure November winner... From the Vs Ai scenario, "By Normandy into Ghele" (Or something...)


Damn weirdness-es have been stalking me lately... Had the same thing happened in my NAC game when I got an Ital-arty round up a Crusader's tailpipe...
I liked all the screen shots, but I think I will vote for Mikey.
Lord Bane
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