Okinawa — the War in the Pacific draws to a close


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Nov 5, 2009
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My grandfather fought on Okinawa with the 96th Infantry Division. That division as all the others, Army and Marine, suffered terrible losses.
I had an Uncle who fought and was wounded there. I am pretty sure he was in the first marine division. He also fought on Peleliu. He said that he never got a scratch on Peleliu even though every unit commited had over 50% casualties. But his luck ran out on Okinawa and he was peppered with mortar fragments and had to be evacuated. He just passed away a few years ago. He has my utmost respect.
Lord Bane
My grandfather fought on Okinawa with the 96th Infantry Division. That division as all the others, Army and Marine, suffered terrible losses.

The Ken Burns documentary "The War" does a great job illustrating the horror of Okinawa. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it.
Some pics from Okinawa and the 96th Infantry Division. My Grandfather was assigned to the 361st Field Artillery Btn. They fought during the Liberation of the Philipines and on Okinawa. My Grandfather was a big Irishman with fire engine red hair and stood over 6'1". He was tough as nails and was a son of a bitch. He died a long time ago. The family knew little about him, but my research brought me to Karel Kanutson, the son of Norwegian immigrants. He lived in Minnesota and was a farmer by trade. He served with my Grandfather and knew him. He responded to a post I put on the 96th ID Veterans Association. I have had the great fortune to meet him, with my two oldest boys, and share family/world history with him.

I have some photos from the time in Okinawa that I will share if anyone is interested. Anyone want to post them for me?

How lucky you are to have found a link to your grandfather like that, and how great for your boys to learn something of their heritage. I would love to see some pictures. I'm not much of a techno geek but I'm sure someone here could help you with posting them.
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