Oliver Stone Says Banksters “Enabled†Hitler and the Nazis


Staff member
Nov 5, 2009
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Generally not much of a fan of Oliver Stoned but he is at least partly right here. He did however, leave out Henry Ford who kept factories in Germany pumping out civilian and military vehicles for a large part of the war as well as the Swiss banking system, who help the Nazis hide the billions they plundered during the war.
Don't forget IBM giving them a data card system to log all the prisoners in the death camps.
What President, Chancellor, King, Dictator, Chief, was not supported by bankers or the wealthy? My reaction - more assault on Capitalism. "Evil" Bankers (capitalism) have also supported Oliver Stone...

Of course capitalism in the US is even more insidious!

How dare they support opposition to communism. THAT is crazy, how dare they do that? How many were murdered/starved to death in Russian and China 1920 to 1960?
What President, Chancellor, King, Dictator, Chief, was not supported by bankers or the wealthy? My reaction - more assault on Capitalism. "Evil" Bankers (capitalism) have also supported Oliver Stone...

Of course capitalism in the US is even more insidious!

How dare they support opposition to communism. THAT is crazy, how dare they do that? How many were murdered/starved to death in Russian and China 1920 to 1960?

Henry Ford's support of the Nazis had much less to do with his anti-communism as it did with his anti-semitism. The Swiss banking industry employed their strict neutrality in all issues except those which enriched them, regardless that the profits came from the etermination of an entire race. The real issue here is that most of the companies and entities mentioned continued their support of the Nazis well after their true evil had been exposed.
No offense or anger directed at you, but here is my question:

So what is the point? The story started off with the idea that it was done "to oppose communism". That seems to set up a theme IMO. I am of the opinion that this is the point that bothers too many, not the other. I think you have to look at the situation at the time. Did Oliver Stone look at the way things were in the 20's and 30's? Depression worldwide, and US workers fighting for jobs. Not just elite bankers, but literally 10's of thousand of workers facing unemployment.

Did not Ford Corporation join the US war effort against Germany?

Is Swiss "pure" profit making more acceptable than Ford, the individual, making a point?

I think Olive Stone is being a little more "selective" in his condemnation for a reason, and it has more to do with today's politics than yesterdays.

ALSO consider the forum the in which the meeting was held...
No offense or anger directed at you, but here is my question:

So what is the point? The story started off with the idea that it was done "to oppose communism". That seems to set up a theme IMO. I am of the opinion that this is the point that bothers too many, not the other. I think you have to look at the situation at the time. Did Oliver Stone look at the way things were in the 20's and 30's? Depression worldwide, and US workers fighting for jobs. Not just elite bankers, but literally 10's of thousand of workers facing unemployment.

Did not Ford Corporation join the US war effort against Germany?

Is Swiss "pure" profit making more acceptable than Ford, the individual, making a point?

I think Olive Stone is being a little more "selective" in his condemnation for a reason, and it has more to do with today's politics than yesterdays.

ALSO consider the forum the in which the meeting was held...

I agree with your points about Oliver Stone. He has a reputation of playing fast and loose with the truth to promote his own anti-capitalist agenda while all the while reaping the rewards of the capitalist society.

My point is simply that many of the companies he mentions, Ford included, put profits ahead of morals and continued to do business with Hitler long after his true aims and ambitions were known. Ford's close relationship with the Nazis allowed him to keep Ford plants in Germany open for nearly the entire duration of the war. These plants were not only make German civilian vehicles, but also German military vehicles. In the case of the Swiss Bankers, up until very recently, they obstructed at every turn descendants of Holocaust victims from reclaiming fortunes that were looted from their families.
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