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What a twit... reminds me when we were paintballing and the marshall was demonstrating the use of smoke grenades and flashbangs. He pulled out a smoke grenade and dropped it at his feet to demonstrate the smoke... it made a little plop as it landed in a puddle and fizzled out... we all just stood and looked at him.
Those flashbangs hurt your ears! Had one go off about 1/2m away from me, i saw a few people throw these back, im really glad i didn't try that
I remember my very first time paintballing... I was working my way down a trench system as point man and I checked ahead was clear..... turned to tell my team and a paintball pellet hit me on the jaw (inside the mask) just below my ear. The pain was near unbearable and the inside of the mask and all over my face was sprayed with pink goo... LOL
One and only time i went, will (roadiemullet) got hit in the family jewels in the very last activity we did. What adds insult to injury is that it was just shooting the instructors in this tower! one very unlucky pellet homed in on him lol. He collapsed and someone had to drag him into the hut we started in lol
Just started paintballing this past year...love the rush.. My first time out was with the young peoples group I run, I got hit in the throat(on the wind pipe) I hurt s bad it stopped me in my tracks and drove me to my knees. After that round in the woods, we were sitting around and the young people were fighting over who took me out LMAO . I always wear a neck protector now.
Only tried paintballing once and could never really get into it. Perhaps it was just the group I played with. Young guys who figured success in the game translated into being a real soldier.
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