Operation Cerberus - closed

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FGM 2nd Lieutenant
Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
London, UK
Operational brief

Gather intelligence and take direct action against groups or individuals taking part or colluding in the funding of terrorist activities via drugs trafficking through Guinea-Bissau.

The NASOE CCC will be covertly deployed in the capital city, Bissau, and will manage SI and SO assets deployed in the area.

Operational location – Guiné Bissau (Guinea-Bissau)

Guinea-Bissau, officially the Republic of Guinea-Bissau (Portuguese: República da Guiné-Bissau, pronounced: [ʁeˈpublikɐ dɐ ɡiˈnɛ biˈsaw]), is a country in West Africa. It is bordered by Senegal to the north and Guinea to the south and east, with the Atlantic Ocean to its west. It covers 36,125 km² (nearly 14,000 sq. mi) with an estimated population of 1,600,000.

Upon independence, declared in 1973 and recognised in 1974, the name of its capital, Bissau, was added to the country's name to prevent confusion with Guinea (formerly French Guinea). Guinea-Bissau has a history of political instability since independence, and no elected president has successfully served a full five-year term.

Guinea-Bissau, a minor West African state south of Senegal

Recent political events

On the evening of 12 April 2012, members of the country's military staged a coup d'état and arrested the interim president and a leading presidential candidate. Former vice chief of staff, General Mamadu Ture Kuruma, assumed control of the country in the transitional period and started negotiations with opposition parties.

In early 2016 Mamadu Ture Kuruma was replaced by president José Mário Vaz of the PAIGC (African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde), one of the two major political parties in Guinea-Bissau. Following his appointment and in an attempt to address UN concerns about local corruption Air Force Head Ibraima Papa Camara, who has been named as a “drug kingpin” by UN chief Ban Ki-moon, was ousted from his position in the military. It is believed that Ibraima Papa Camara has continued to build and run his organised crime cartel from the coastal regions of the country.

The current situation of Guinea-Bissau would not usually be of interest to NATO or the NASOE, however recent events have brought a focus to this minor West African state.

Mission specifics

In recent months Guinea-Bissau seems to have become a hub for the trafficking of narcotics from South America and Africa onward into Europe. Intelligence reports point towards the increase also being linked to a revival of hostile activities of the PRS against the local government, the PIAGC, and for a spate of violent gang land killings in the African region and Europe. Deep cover intelligence analysis from NASOE R&A directly links senior elements of the PRS with the purchase of large quantities of arms and munitions, some of which has been high tec. in nature. There is a growing concern across UN states that the weapons are being purchased for onward supply to terrorist organisations such as al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, and IS (Islamic State).

The NASOE is to be deployed into Guinea-Bissau to ascertain the extent of PRS involvement with known fundamental Islamic terror groups and where possible to damage or destroy the use of the organised narcotics trade to support further funding of such groups.

NASOE SO deployment

SO (Special Operations) squad ‘Osprey’ is to be deployed to the north of Rio Mansoa (Region Biombo) in the north west of the country approximately 90km from the capital city. SO squad ‘Vulture’ will deploy in the Quinara region to the south of the Rio Geba. Both SO forces will deploy under the guise of PMC (Private Military Company) under the command of local military leadership fighting against the PRS.

Regional map of state

Initially NASOE SO forces will act as intelligence gathers in the current combat zone. It is anticipated that both squads will be involved in direct action against PRS in their cover role as PMC and are authorised to use deadly force to maintain cover.

NASOE CCC will redirect SO forces as required based upon ‘on the’ ground intelligence and tactical decisions to achieve Operation Cerberus mission objectives.

Both SO squads are to utilise local weaponry and equipment to ensure there is no association with NATO military forces.
Combat report – 12th Oct, day 1

Mission brief here - http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/12th-october-sunday-op-13-30-bst-nziwasogo.20861/

Action report

Osprey deployed with Tombali Platoon by vehicle with orders to clear the route to, and secure, the village of Gabu. The location has a small secure compound at the southern edge of the town which government forces which to use as a FOB.

The Platoon was split in to three attack groups, with Osprey working with Charlie. Whilst the objective was secured it was at a heavy cost. The entire Bravo section was lost in an ambush, whilst half of Charlie was lost in securing Gabu and the outlying settlements.

The following short video shows the exploits of Osprey as we fight to clear the area and secure Gabu.

Don’t forget to subscribe so you can follow the story of the men of 1st FGM on their assignment to NASOE and deployment to West Africa.

Comforting to know that people still don't know how to spell my name. Also nice job on cutting out your little friendly fire incident from the end.
Combat report – 19th Oct, day 8

Mission brief here – http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgm...day-op-13-30-bst-nziwasogo.20897/#post-176849

Action report

With heavy PRS forces advancing from the south a weakened Tombali platoon together with a fireteam from Osprey was ordered to hold Gabu. With twenty men and limited heavy weapons the teams dug in, using anti-personnel mines around the southern perimeter of the camp and focussing on defending the two southern compounds. Tombali was to hold the southernmost compound, Osprey the secondary compound to the north east, almost within sprinting distance of Tombali’s position.

The initial engagement was light as the PRS probed the village to identify weak spots, then they struck in force. With the enemy at nearly brigade strength the small force holding Gabu had little chance of success. The team’s defence was nothing short of defiant. Detonating booby traps close to vehicles and trying to channel the attackers into kill zones.

As Tombali was overrun Ithikial and I were forced to fall back from our western perimeter defence, restricting Osprey to defend from within the walls of the secondary compound. The battle was fierce, with light mortar fire adding to the confusion. Despite our valiant efforts the fire team of Osprey was pushed back deeper into the compound until finally, with their backs literally to the wall a decision was made to destroy the north wall with charges to try and escape out of the compound and fall back north into the village.

It was a last ditch attempt to escape, but the PRS were waiting. As the wall came down the team was met with a hail of 7.62mm tracer fire. Suppressed and bleeding the team threw down their weapons rather then throw their lives away.

The following short video captures Osprey’s stand at Gabu.

To answer Ithikial's question at the 6:50 mark. That was Vart blowing the claymores that he thoughtfully placed in front of our bunker.
Combat report – 26th Oct, day 15

Mission brief here – http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgm...te-clocks-change-nziwasogo.20952/#post-177469

Action report

The remnants of Osprey and Tombali were captured when Gabu fell and have been questioned through the week. Treatment was rough with a member of Tombali publically executed as a demonstration of force. On the 25th we heard rumours all captives were to be transported south for further questioning. The next morning we were loaded onto two trucks, Private Ombabo refused to board the truck, he was promptly shot and his corpse left behind at Gabu.

With Osprey badly beaten there was little chance of a dash for freedom. The convoy travelled south through various settlements, all with PRS activity. The team also spotted what appeared to be narcotics activity in a large settlement and close to a river.

Our rescue came from an unexpected quarter. It seems the combatants in a minor drugs war had decided to hit a PRS check point. As the first truck, with Tombali platoon survivors on-board, pulled up all hell broke loose.

The following video documents Osprey’s escape for freedom.

Combat report – 2nd Nov, day 22

Mission brief here – http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgmforum/threads/2nd-november-sunday-op-13-30-gmt-nziwasogo.20998/

Action report

With Government forces staging an operation to retake Gabu, Osprey took advantage of the confusion to take two 50 cal technicals and head back to investigate the locations where they had seen possible narcotics activities during their capture by the PRS. Septic led, with Ithikial, Nathan, Vart and myself making up the rest of the fire team.

We initially kept to the road then as we approached Gabu we turned off and went cross country through the Jungle. There was no contact with the PRS, however we quickly lost one of the technicals to damage. Unable to get everyone in the remaining SUV Septic and Nathan proceed on foot. It wasn’t long before a front tyre on the second technical went bang, leaving Vart, Ithikial and me on foot as well.

Arriving at the village of Nhalehengue, our initial scouting identified PRS forces at the location. With Septic confirming weapons free we started to clear a way through the buildings. The fire fight was tough, with lots of cover in the jungle and in the shanty around the settlement.

Eventually clearing the area we sifted through the compounds and buildings but found nothing. Holding up in the settlement, we reassessed next steps.

Due to technical issues no video feed from this op. I hope the helmet cam is fixed for the next one.
No one took some video of my Medal of Honour action. :) Really wish I was recording that, you guys wouldn't believe the few close calls I had as enemy fire team swarmed that shack.
Combat report – 9th Nov, day 29

Mission brief here – http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/thefgm...mt-note-new-time-1hr-ahead.21034/#post-178209

Action report

With continued heavy fighting between government and PRS forces across the region Osprey persists in their search for information relating to fundementelist involvement in narcotics trading in Western Africa. Using whatever vehicles they could find the team scour several villages and industrial areas through the day.

The following video is Osprey in action. Don't miss Ithikial's heroism at 5 minutes in, Septic 'taking command of the situation' from the back of an SUV at 4:30, and the hat.... don't forget the trilby hat at 3:15....

More from Osprey, the professionals of the 1st FGM, next week.
Interesting. I was yelling on the radio that there's guys on the road but there's nothing on your recording. If you look my vid, on the bottom right corner you can see that I'm transmitting on the radio. Why you can't hear me on my video is because Fraps records my mic with really low volume for some reason and the car noise drowns me out (Haven't figured out to how to fix that yet).
Interesting. I was yelling on the radio that there's guys on the road but there's nothing on your recording. If you look my vid, on the bottom right corner you can see that I'm transmitting on the radio. Why you can't hear me on my video is because Fraps records my mic with really low volume for some reason and the car noise drowns me out (Haven't figured out to how to fix that yet).

I have the same issue when recording with Fraps. At the start of each recording session I have to turn up my mic's recording volume in windows setting. It seems to reset randomly between shut downs.
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