Operations Team CMBN



I was curious about the American XO team. I haven't found any documentation on it, and it has a fancy little symbol and everything. Does it do anything special in terms of gameplay (like C2 or something), or is it simply there because it has to be represented?Operations Team.png
XO Teams can act as substitutes for the commander. If the commanding officer is killed then the XO team (or similar teams like 2C) takes over the command.
I mostly use them for giving mediacl aid to wounded soliders or overwatch the battlefield as the have Binocculars.
But sometimes they have to step up and command the company!
Thanks Strachwitz, that makes a lot more sense than the commander's radioman taking over :) I guess I should be more careful with the XO's now
Understood, I'll continue sending them on suicide recon-assaults :D
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