Opponent required for Huge battle

Impressive map. I can't see this being less than a 2 hour battle - probably 3. Maybe even 4!

A few initial questions before the jump.

What sort of battle length are you thinking of?
What would be the turn rate?
Yes, impressive map. Maps make these games. You can chop and change an oob, but a map is something different.

I was thinking 3 to 4 hours.

We could use percentage of force destroyed as a winning condition.

As for turn rate, very good so far.
I'd be interested in playing on this map if you want to start another battle later.
Got to admit I'm umming and aahing over this as it's a big commitment and would stretch my PC to breaking point.

Endy if you want to take up the challenge against Bill I don't mind taking a step back from it. If not I'll take it on.
I don't want to take it away from you :) I was rather thinking if one or both of you guys wanted to play this map simultaneously or afterwards with me as well I'm up for it.
Endy, If you are still up for it suggest an oob. Allies vs Germans is a must. I will play either Allies or Germans. Bit of weather would be nice.

Most of the battles I am playing are 30 mins or 1 hr 30. A huge battle is a different beast.

A 2 by 2 battle would be interesting but the turn rate could be low.

If anyone is up for a 2 by 2 I would be up for a medium to large battle, just to see how it goes.
Sorry, maybe I wasn't very clear. What I meant is, if you want to start another battle on this map against me and play that battle along the one with Underfire I'm up. Or perhaps you want to finish this one first or wait a week or two before starting, well then I'm up as well, just let me know at any time :) The rest is negotiable of course.
I'm up for 2 huge battles.

Lets negotiate.

Battle length 4 hours.
Victory should be a percentage of force destroyed.
10000 to 20000 points.

The battle may have to be created in the editor.
Ok I'm in.

Would like to put a percentage limit on armour - open to suggestions. Plus only organic (OOB) artillery.
It does look a good map ,I can see para troops cling to those bridges waiting to be reinforced
Would you think it unrealistic to have 1:1 ratio. That is if the player wishes to spend half the points on armour.

In this game by organic artillery you mean the player cannot select artillery from the menu. For example the Allied player playing as U.S. army only has artillery that is included in formations for infanrty, armoured infantry, armour and airborne infantry.
Would you think it unrealistic to have 1:1 ration. That is if the player wishes to spend half the points on armour.

In this game by organic artillery you mean the player cannot select artillery from the menu. For example the Allied player playing as U.S. army only has artillery that is included in formations for infanrty, armoured infantry, armour and airborne infantry.

Sounds a OK idea
Would you think it unrealistic to have 1:1 ratio. That is if the player wishes to spend half the points on armour.

I'm happy with this.

In this game by organic artillery you mean the player cannot select artillery from the menu. For example the Allied player playing as U.S. army only has artillery that is included in formations for infanrty, armoured infantry, armour and airborne infantry.

If it is still open I can join the 2v2 Battle. I have a good Turn Rate
OK, Uderfire do you want to create the scenario or do you want me to create the scenario?

I will send a map with setup zones. alter as you see fit and send back.

Pick a side Allied or Axis.

It is unfortunate that we have to create the scenario like this. QB should a lot more flexible. The players should be able to alter the battle parameters as they see fit.
marseu, Underfire and I are not playing a 2v2.

If you want to play a 2v2 I would be up for it. If so then I suggest we advertise for 2 more players in a separate thread.
If any players want to play a scenario of this type I would be willing to help create the scenario, setup zones and force selection.
OK, Uderfire do you want to create the scenario or do you want me to create the scenario?

I will send a map with setup zones. alter as you see fit and send back.

Pick a side Allied or Axis.

It is unfortunate that we have to create the scenario like this. QB should a lot more flexible. The players should be able to alter the battle parameters as they see fit.


Sorry for not replying sooner. I'd appreciate if you created the scenario.

Hang on a sec while I get a die to choose sides......
ok, so odd I'm allies, evens axis....
...I threw a 2.

So Axis for me please.

;) For those who want to know. Yes. I really did raid my dice box for a six-sided die. Yes. I really did only roll once and got a 2. :)
As my niece often says to me - "Uncle Richard, you are so wierd!"
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