Outgoing files not making it into dropbox folders.


Mauser GDog

I've been trying to fix my issues for 2x days now, and am ready to concede I am totally confused. :O (Apologies to my opponents for the delays!)

Some of my CMHelper/Dropbox games are working fine, some are not.
The games I have created are the ones working, while games started by my opponents are not. It seems to be an issue of my outgoing turns not finding their way to the dropbox folders.

In CMHelper/edit game/incoming folder/ they all look the same, listing the local DB folder with incoming files. But when I do my turn, CMHelper indicates I am waiting for opponenet, but when I look in the online DB folder I don't see my file. When I look in my local DB folder, I see my turn, but not my opponents files.

The games that are working show consecutive game files in the local DB folder, and the online DB folder.

I am listed as 'can edit' on the DB folders.

Any idea what I have done wrong, and why the outgoing connection isn't there?
Hi, I'm happy to try and help sort you out ... but I have to say it's not immediately obvious what the issue is, if I'm understanding your description properly!

First thing I'd say is that I don't think it's anything to do with the "can edit" drop box status: as long as you have access to the folder, any file *should*, AFAIK, just upload automatically ...

Is it right that CMH appears to you to be putting your outgoing file turns into the (correct?) "local machine" copy of the DB folder? But they then just don't upload to the cloud, shared, copy?

If so, is it possibly just a feature of your internet connection? Downloads speeds / capacity are usually much bigger than uploads: is it an upload capacity bottleneck, rather than CMH / dropbox per se related?

If that's not the right issue, tell me some more of the problem!
If memory serves, you need to manually add the file to your CM install if your opponents start the battle (i.e. copy/paste from the shared DB folder). The battles you start already have the file in the CM install and your H2HH see's it. But not the case if your opponents starting turn is sitting in the DB folder. At least this is the way it is for the older version of H2HH/CMHelper.
Thanks for the replies guys.
These are CMBN & RT games only, no BS.

I am using CMHelper now, not H2HH (although they seem nearly identical?)
I don't think bandwidth/connection is the issue, as most of my games are working.

2x questions:

1. when opponent starts game, do I have to always create a Local DB folder manually on my machine with the same name as his folder (our game/file name)
2. If the files in my Local DB folder do not match those in the online folder (number of files and file names) does that indicate something is wrong?
I think I have it sorted.

All files in my Local and virtual DB folders match. I've honestly lost track of what I did...
I'll know for sure when the turns I "think" I'm waiting on return to me.

I feel like an 80 year old man trying to "learn computers".
LOL I feel that way too sometimes. I had the same problem as you at one point. I think I figured out that creating a "local" dropbox folder doesn't update the online one, but updating the online one DOES update your local one. So everytime you make a new dropbox folder/add a file you have to do it on the website. I hope that makes sense, I'm terrible at 'splainin (unlike Purdie over here)

That does make sense DellieJ, and I think that is partially to blame for my issues. All my games are working now, and my aggravation levels are back to normal, a comfortable 4.5/10 on the grumpy old man scale.
Just like my blood pressure, I tend to run a bit higher, probably round a 6. With peaks currently when someone mentions FIFA or Battlefront [emoji6]
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