Pacific - Mini Series



I don't know about you guys but I am excited about the Pacific mini series starting here in NZ in about 3 weeks. I am currently reading the companion book by Hugh AMBROSE. Its very good and he has taken off where his father left off. His father was Stephen AMBROSE who wrote the book Band of Brothers. Sadly he passed away in 2002. Hugh is a military historian so he knows his stuff.

After looking at all the trailers it looks great. :D

Has it started any where else yet ?
I want one too. :) What a good way to get one in my sig line ?
Well... those 'illegal places online' aren't in fact illegal - yet. There's no law prohibiting live stream, at least not in my country. But you may be able to watch it online from HBO themselves.

Either way, I found the first part a bit underwhelming in regard to suspense. It just doesn't feel like those guys are in a real war yet and are afraid for their lives. They rather look and behave like some conscripts having fun on a weekend exercise. :) Nontheless I'm looking forward to the next parts because I expect the series to become better.
First - You have a bigger tank now in your signature. I like it !! lol.

Second - I am reading the companion book and am almost finished. It is a great read and I strongly recommend any one getting it. Just like the Band of Brothers book by Steven AMBROSE is elaborates more on the guys involved plus some more who the author thinks deserves a chapter or 20. ;)

Book is by Hugh AMBROSE, the late great Stephen AMBROSE's son.
Well... those 'illegal places online' aren't in fact illegal - yet. There's no law prohibiting live stream, at least not in my country. But you may be able to watch it online from HBO themselves.

Unfortunately the american broadcasters and film companies seem to think we europeans are backwards and thus can't handle watching their artistic masterpieces until after billy bob shoving his 15th cheeseburger down his neck has had a chance to get the full viewing pleasure from it. As such pretty much all american releases are released later over here and programs that are streamed for the american audience have filters on them to detect people from outside of America and block the content.

I will be downloading this tonight, if there is anyone who wishes to be informed how to do the same just let me know.
Unfortunately the american broadcasters and film companies seem to think we europeans are backwards and thus can't handle watching their artistic masterpieces until after billy bob shoving his 15th cheeseburger down his neck has had a chance to get the full viewing pleasure from it. As such pretty much all american releases are released later over here and programs that are streamed for the american audience have filters on them to detect people from outside of America and block the content.

I see. Every day I learn something new... Well, I can always read the book, I guess. :) Anyone got an idea when the second part will be on?
Episode 1 and the making of the Pacific was on this weekend here. It was fabulous! I think this is going to be more tightly focused on just a few characters and involve a hell of a lot more re-enactments of key battles. I was very impressed with the first contact battle on Guadalcanal. As real as it gets.


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