Panzer Command

Josey Wales

FGM Company Sergeant Major
Jul 22, 2016
Reaction score
Berkshire, UK
Has anyone heard of or played this game?

I just came across it by accident and it seems a cross between CMx1 and CMx2. It also looks like the precursor to Graviteam although it is a WeGo game.
I have PCO and consensus was CMx2 was better. With that said, PCO handles company level C and C way better than CMx2. Plus you can play a battle from the first day of Barbarossa until the last day of the war. It lacks eye candy and I have a sneaking suspicion that if Matrix had someone like Gravitesm update the graphics and vehicle models it would be the best East Front game hands down. It has never left my hard drive and I play vs AI on occasion. I know I don't have to worry about HT machine gunner casualty rates...

HOA_KSOP aka ksbearski aka Barry
Hi @HOA_KSOP are you able to expand on how C&C is handled better in PCO?
I am not so sure it's better, just different. I have never played CMBN or later, but I did look at the manual and it's definitely different.

I can tell you PCO is WEGO and has 60 second turns. You can play it with or without a reaction phase. The reaction phase allows you some limited "reaction" type orders, like change targets or move a little differently. You issue orders to your platoon and this order goes to the various platoon squads/vehicles. This is a base order. So a command like "Advance" or "Defend" is called a base order. You can then tweak what each sub unit does with a sub-order. So, for example, you issue a "Defend" order to a platoon leader and he issues the base order to his platoon. Say two of your squads have good cover but a third squad is hanging in the wind and needs to get back to a better defensible position. So, you Issue a "Defend" command to the platoon commander, the two units in good cover you can "sub-order" them to "Defend-Hold" and the third squad you want under cover you can issue a "Defend-Move" command, then plot their move to cover. So you can issue granular sub-orders under a base order. You can also set your unit's "SOP", which is how they will react. They can be Aggressive, cautious or one setting in between. You move three different ways, shortest, fastest and under cover, which translates to slowest for the most part as the unit will try stay under cover while moving , move down gullies, etc.

One aspect of the C & C is that generally Soviet units react to orders slower than German units. There is the usual delay when calling off map arty or indirect fire. You can pre-target areas and set the barrage patterns of indirect fire.

One of the gripes with the game people had was that they felt that the game fell somewhere in between CMBB and CMBN, I think some folks referred to it as CMBB 1.5. I am pretty sure it was due to the graphics, which are better than the original CM series but not up to the CMBN or later standard. I think you get a ton of game for the money, but little eye candy.

You do get a map editor and a campaign editor as well.

The PBEM on larger games can be tedious with the WEGO system, there is a lot of back and forth, but for a total Eastern Front tactical experience there are battles and campaigns starting with Barbarossa and ending with Gotterdammerung.
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During the reaction phase you cannot change the unit's base order, but you can tweak with suborders allowed under the base order. You can also play the game without the reaction phase if you like. Was not sure Imade it clear.

Once you set up a game with the reaction phase "off", I do not believe it can be turned "on" once the game starts...

Additionally folks quibbled with the fact that you had to load or "Mount" to get into a building and "Dismount" a building to leave it. Apparently the multi functionality of the "Mount/Dismount" orders rubbed folks the wrong way.
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@HOA_KSOP thanks for the detailed explanation, I was just curious how another game approached Command & Control and it sounds like an interesting concept. I would agree that the visuals looked somewhere between CMx1 and CMx2.
If you are into visuals, yeah, it is outdated when you hold it up to CMBN and the Graviteam titles. But the gameplay and the concept and the breadth of battles is excellent.
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