PBEM opponenet wanted


Wicked Pete

Small or medium QBs and double blind scenarios preferred. Don't care what side I play.
Dropbox, h2h, and commonwealth.

opponenet - oops, its people like me that make the rest of you look smart.
I am open for a game or two. I too will play any side. I am not sure I know what a double blind scenario is but if you want to take the time to educate me I'm in on that too. :) Feel free to put something together and send it my way. My email information is under my info box.
Double blind just means that neither one of us has played the scenario. I'll setup an attack/defend medium sized QB with random factors and standard rarity. I'll flip a coin to see who gets what side and whether they are attacking or not.

Dropbox invite has been sent. You are the Americans.
Mr Wicked,

I'm up to another slaughter if you want to kill me some more. That last game was incredible! And you played great!!
Don't know how many times you can kick a tiger before it bites your foot off but I'm willing to find out. Drop a setup in our folder, your choice of game.
Cool. I'll go find a scenario somewhere that maybe neither of us have played and give it a blind mirrored go. Sound good?
Sounds good. I haven't played many scenarios so it should be easy to find one.
I got the DB invite and first file Wicked Pete. Been a busy day, and I will try and respond this evening.
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