PBEM Opponents Wanted



I am looking for a PBEM challenger. I have CW and FI, prefer H2HH and am on the FGM Ladder if you want ladder matches.

Looking for a Medium sized QB or scenario would prefer meeting-engagement style. Email is owengalenjones@gmail.com

Hello Owen, I just mailed you and hope you accept. Would love to have a game with you.
I do like reverse role games, so 2 games with same settings just opposite sides.
Dont worry I am also still new to this.
I have played a couple of games with some friends but I am still fairly new to all this.

I hope you accept. Will be my first games here as well.

Hey Nathan, do you use Dropbox and H2HH? You can send a game file over if you wish, I will gladly check out this scenario.
Hello Owen, just want to let you know that I changed my Username from Maj. Disaster to S.A.M, our games everything fine, no worries, just never liked that Name I signed up with originally, don't know what I was thinking when I did that.
Hello Owen,
Still cannot see u on the ladder. Ask Bootie to help you sign up there, I also dont wanna see our 2 ladder games getting lost on the beaches mate.
Hello Owen, I been waiting 21 days now for you to officially surrender andreport your losses, you have according to Booty not even listed to the ladder. I am quite dissapointed since the following you said in the H2HH:

Our games were for that ladder Owen. Please do not let me down. it is not clear weather I win or you win any of the games so maybe it be a good thing to get your enlisting or whatever you call it sorted in that ladder. I feel perhaps this being your first game you may want to keep the enlisting until your sure you are going to win. That would not look to good I must say. If I loose I loose and I will file a after action report immediately and I do expect same from my opponents also. I know you woud not do that of course. Let me know when I can see you signed up on the FGM Ladder.


Hey I'm already on the ladder, no wins to my name yet but I would never no report a loss. Don't worry I am a fair opponent!
I think people here should be avoiding people like you and I dont know what it is but I seem to attract people like you by the dozens like a magnet. I could be myself way up the ladder already and all the time and effort I spend is out the window. yes of course its competitive and yes is not only just for fun, people like you Owen should be removed, banned , and totally avoided. I am sick and tyred putting my energy into make believe artists and liers.

People like you make me realise that I be better off playing the AI.

I hope you never find another opponent and waste their time like you did with me.

Your Welcome
Are you on the ladder? what if you loose? will you report the loss? What happens if u stop sending me files, or not follow ground rules. Man I had all kinds, sick and tiered of it, few good men hits it quite well, just a few maybe hehehehhehehe.

Booty been real good and some people are nice but I dont like the reporting system. I rally am a keen player but I want honest and good opponents and not some scarecrow that fucks off in the sunset when all turns pear shape if u know what I mean.
As far am I concerned it will take quite some convincing before I take on another one on this site, the reporting rules are not nice and since most are not all that honorable I will keep my distance, after all I spend up to 3 month to complete a game and in the end it is all fruitless since the gy doesnt even register to a ladder. I kind off said enough realy, there the good and bad. and there always some that ruin the sport the the rest. I know. I be more careful who I play and where I play and that is it. All in all you have a nice site and a good boss and all is good, perhaps is just bad luck on my part. I will not worry about it any more. the only reason for saying what I did is to settle the record straight.

You guys have fun and do what you wanna do. Cheers and merry christmas to you all, huuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. over and out!
Hey man, apologies here! I have lost quite a few PBEMs in the past and always the gloating (not really) victors reported it and all was taken care of. I have not reported any of my numerous losses and yet the darned things show up on my ladder account anyway. I will try and get this straightened out asap.
Ah ok I think what happened was I have not played a ladder match since the old Ladder system was in place, so I just registered a ladder account fo the new one. I guess I need your victory code now?
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