
  • Thread starter The Fisher King
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The Fisher King

So I've been doing some research into pigments and recently purchased the MIG productions FAQ DVD on pigments. Very informative and nice to be able to watch someone talk you through the stages of using these materials.

I've ordered some MIG pigments, I'm hoping to create a realistic mud effect for my panther.

Any of you guys got any do's and don'ts?
Well... before you apply them where they're supposed to go take an expendable model piece and try the pigments out. Especially try with what you want to mix them and what the result is given the different solvents (water, paint, oil etc.). Everything else very is likely covered by the DVD. :)
I've never used them, so I'm no help. I am planning on using pastels for my Crusader tho....poor man's pigments.
I looked at the weathering stick I'll be interested in how you find them.
I use pastels and have had great results with them. EoG's advice is applicable to whatever you use, test it on and expendable piece. Practice with blending and application methods until you get the desired effect, then move to the real piece.
I have only used pigments once or twice in over 35 years of modeling but when I did, I went to the art store and bought the colored dry artist chalks. Sandpaper'd a pile of dust (Pigment) off of them and that worked just fine. If you are however determined to buy some, I would recommend the MIG brand ... never used them but all of his stuff is top notch.
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