Play Testers needed


Mt. Carmel Hill


This is only my second scenario ever created but I it think comes as a nice challenge to both the defender and the attacker. I need (2) volunteers willing to play test this for me and then provide me with post battle report stating what needs to be corrected.

Here is a quick synopsis:
Axis tries one last major assault (Similar to Battle of the bulge) to save the war. Because it’s late in the war all of their battle hardened troops have either been killed or captured, so the Germans are relying on lightly experienced men for this assault (Regulars).

They are assaulting what they believe to be is a then part in the Allied lines which it is, however its defended by battle hardened Crack troops. The allies’ downfall is they have little to no armor, but they do have naval fire support from the USS Pensacola (Cruiser) and the USS Benson (Destroyer) not including a couple other FO's. Unfortunately since the Allies have only been at their location a brief time they have very little fixed fortifications (no bunkers, or buried mines) and they've only been able to establish 1 TRP... They simply didn't have enough time to really prepare for a major German assault. However, they have sent for reinforcements.

I believe this scenario presents unique yet equal challenges to both sides.

Please let me know if you are willing to play test this game. I will email it upon request!

Scott (aka: Mt. Carmel Hill)
I'm still looking for playtesters. This scenario is not for the feint of heart :) The scenario is best played human vs. human, and if you want a really tuff challange, have the more experienced player be the Allies! Hope you all enjoy! :)
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