Playtesters searched!!!


FGM Major
Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
The overhauled Tiny Town needs at least 2 playtesters. Time: Battle at the Bulge, german attackers about 2000 points, allied defenders about 1500 points. CMAK-game - winter, snowing, combined arms. It´s a ficticious scenario. I uploaded it before a few days to the scenario-section. A WPC-player and me tested it before a few weeks. But I made it and so I need an impartial test of it. Would be great if somebody do it.

Greetings :usa2:
I'll jump in and volunteer. I'd like to play a mirror to get a feel of it from both sides.
Sure go ahead my email is (welden at Don't know if they are ladder worthy .
Recieved them and will have them back this evening/ night.
We are just a few files into looks like thee will be action almost off the start. Not much manover room for the Germans.
Yeah, that was the idea - action from the beginning on. And the manover room is so "less" to give the player a feeling of the problems with heavy units - as tanks and so on - at a terrain of wood and hills. I liked it but that´s the reason why I need a impartial test - it´s only my opinion. The WPC-player loved the scenario but I think it could be You will have another opinion - and then I will see if I can change it a little for more fun.

Greetings Mate! :)
I am quite happy with the forces on either side...though I believ the germans have a major advantage...with the tiger tank. An additional platoon of engineers for the allies would make it harder for the axis....I like the quickness of the action for a change...i play alot of MEs and it is a few turns and one is into it.
I agree with Numbers. The action commences immediately here. The map is tight but in my opinion it adds to the game as you need to put some thought into your armor moves. A couple of times Numbers was able to knock out vehicles of mine because I hung around too close to buildings. I liked the force mix, even with the Tiger. The Allies have a decent defensive position that I felt compensated for the Tiger.

I very much enjoyed the scenario, Sempai.
OK comrades, I´m very happy You enjoyed it. I´ll take a look or two to see if I could take in Your advices. The problem with the Tiger is the Churchill. As I played it a few times the Churchill took out the Tiger most times. So I decided the Tiger isn´t so important in this game. This was good I thought - so the players which are base on their tactic only on the Tiger would be knocked out immediately. But it seems Your experience was another.
And 2054172 You´ll laughing but I had the same thought (platoon engineers) as I had to make the troop-choice for both sides. But then I thought it would become to easy for the defender if he had still a platoon engineers.

@2054172 & ACSpectre: So let me ask two simple questions: Was it (as defender) able to hold the Germans back? And was it able (as attacker) to break the defence and reach the flags? It´s not so important if it was hard or not - only was it possible. Would be nice if both of You could write a short answer.
However - no fear I´ll try to put in Your suggestions.

Thanks a lot, comrades!

Greetings from Germany :tea: (where is the beer-smiley???)
seein g that I have more experience than Ac it is hard to say ...i believe that you should have two equal experience players go at it. Though with all the scenarios I have played, you have done a great job and it would be a go as it is with out tweeking.
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