PoorOldSpike - Truck Shoot



To download it visit ARMAII Op Arrowhead - Truck Shoot

It took me about half an hour to make this 2-player mission on the Arrowhead Zargabad map, including a few trial runs.
2x US Grenadiers pile into a Humvee (blue), drive a mile down the road, get out and shoot up a big bunch of stationary trucks (red) with their rifles/grenade launchers, calling in static mortar support for good measure.
The trucks will panic and mill around; surviving crews WILL shoot back with rifles, furious at having their lunch stop disturbed.

The US force, a Humvee and two Grenadiers, plus 3x 81mm mortars (8 bombs apiece)-

The US force ready to move out. The 3x mortars are static but range is no problem, (about 3 miles max)

The unsuspecting enemy trucks-

After a miles drive the Humvee stops near a disused filling station, the 2 Grenadiers hop out and start spraying the trucks with rifles and grenade launchers, and mortars are called in.
Note one mortar icon has turned orange to indicate its expended all its ammo-
Mean machine- the M16 EGLM Holo rifle/gren launcher with Night Vision sights. (EGLM=Enhanced Grenade Launcher Module)


Angel on our shoulder, a US M252 81mm mortar-

Hm... THis mission looks... boring. Sorry, Spike. Can#t you think of something better? :biggrin1:

And that wepaon is no M16 but most likely a SCAR-L with about every add-on you can get for it.
This is my VERY FIRST created mission kamerad, I'm taking the logical route and starting simple then working up, I don't even know if this one will work as multiplayer yet.
Anyway, decimating juicy fat fuel trucks with automatic rifle fire, grenades and mortar bombardments is never boring, plus of course loose truck crews are returning fire at you..:)

"It is an exhilarating experience to be shot at--and missed!"- (young Sandhurst cadet Winston Churchill under fire from guerillas while on attachment to the Cuban army)

Some trucks will try to escape, so there's yet more fun to be had mercilessly hunting them down, either on foot or chasing them in the Hummer.


I've been playtesting it as a single player and it all works fine, so it'll be interesting to see if it works in multiplay.
The Humvee came complete with a driver, he never leaves the vehicle and can't be ordered to get out, he just sits glued behind the wheel like a chauffeur. He readily accepts movement orders though, and will drive the Humvee to any spot you point at in the 3D world, or if you bring up the map for longer distances he'll drive to any spot you click on, cleverly following roads himself.

The 81mm mortars are quite impressive, the blast, dust and debris is quite spectacular for such a small calibre weapon, although it'll usually take several hits to bring down a building or structure.
In game terms they're more interesting than a heavy arty barrage, because heavy stuff would probably completely wipe out everything in the target area and there'd be nothing left for your troops to do, but with mortars there's always the risk that some enemy units have probably survived the bombardment, and you won't know what you'll meet when you take your troops in to mop up.
Each mortar has 8 rounds, it fires 4 in quick succession at the spot you designate, then ceases fire and waits for your next fire order to fire the remaining 4 bombs.
You can either target each mortar individually to spread them around a number of different points or you can order more than one to simultaneously clobber a single point.
Okay, maybe I was too harsh. Sorry. It's not really my week and I'm not quite myself at the moment, so I'm very likely saying something without having turned my brain on first most of the time.

I admit I've not taken a look at the editor yet, although I figured that putting a few escort vehicles into the mission would be more interesting from an MP standpoint. In this case the question is how difficult it would be to have those trucks be a convoy on the move. We has a few of thsoe missions in the old ArmA ^and they were pretty fun and challenging (even with a helicopter).
Yes mate. Incidentally the driver WILL get out, I found out how to make him do it, he carries a standard M16 and that means the US squad is now 3-man strong.
We need him because the enemy truck drivers are bigger mofos than I thought, they've killed me twice. Hopefully he'll stop a bullet meant for the human players.

Tactics-wise I've been playing it singleplayer and it's fairly straightforward-
Phase 1-Ride in the Hummer up to the truck area but stop well short out of their LOS, or they'll see the Humm and start driving off.
Phase 2- Approach the truck area stealthily on foot and call in mortar fire on them as soon as you glimpse them in the distance.
Phase 3- They'll start their engines and mill around in panic to get away from the mortar blasts. Wait a couple of minutes for them to settle down, then call in another mortar barrage. Repeat the process until all mortars are out of ammo.
Phase 4- Move closer (but not too close because of possible bailed drivers with rifles)) and fire your grenade-lanchers at surviving trucks til your grenades are expended.
Phase 5- Final phase is Seek and Destroy, cautiously getting closer and spraying trucks and drivers with small arms fire. If you survive, you'll be right in among the trucks and can throw grenades. Some trucks will try to escape, so shoot out the tires then shoot the drivers. Drivers only usually get out and shoot at you if their truck is on fire or badly wrecked.

EDIT- Well, Bootie and me tried to play it but I sent him the wrong file duh and it wouldn't load, so we'll have to try again some other time.

There are still a few things I need to find out about creating missions in general-
1- How to respawn all human players if they get killed, so they can continue playing
2- How to set a time limit on games (say half an hour) to add a bit of time pressure.
3- How to set the victory conditions, eg "destroy 20 trucks to win"
4- how to make the AI troops crouch or go prone, because at the moment when I drop prone under fire, they often stay standing up like dickheads.
5- How to set up a server and all that techy sh*t to host a multiplay game.

PS- If anybody else builds missions they could start a new thread like this one to lay their creation out in the open for comments, advice, suggestions, tactical discussion etc, then when it's eventually put up for multiplay people can go to the start line fully confident that they'll know what the feck it's all about..:)
BTW, Bootie and me tried to begin a multiplay stock mission yesterday but it wouldn't let me in, it said I was missing a required vehicle because we'd apparently got different versions of the game or something.
And yet as Bootie pointed out later, the AA advertising said there'd be no compatibility issues, so obviously we can't trust the advertising.
So technically to ensure compatability issues with just you, Earl of Grey, me and BreakLight would have to uninstall ARMAII with its huge assortment of non desert units, 2 HUGE maps, 2 campaigns and much more just so we can play only in the desert with you. In my opinion thats a no-brainer.

And regarding last nights debacle. The reason it didnt work was because I had a LAV-25 in my mission and because you dont have ARMAII it wasnt compatible. It will work fine with BL and EoG. The only way we can guarantee compatibility is to not play any of mine, EoG or BL's homemade missions when we play because you are not on the same songsheet... meaning any homemade missions will have to be designed by you for us to play in or we download ones like I did that state ARMAII is not required.
One small comment... if the enemy trucks were a halted military convoy, they would have pulled over to thye side of the road in some kind of march order, often widely spaced in case of fuel trucks (for obvious reasons), so they don't have to untangle themselves into a march order once they resume movement (speak from experience as an ex-army trucker when doing my national service) :)
..And regarding last nights debacle. The reason it didnt work was because I had a LAV-25 in my mission and because you dont have ARMAII it wasnt compatible...

It plainly sez on the back of the Arrowhead box- "Fully integrates with the original Arma2", yet last night mission wouldn't integrate!
"It would be soooo nice if something made sense for a change"- Alice in Wonderland
One small comment... if the enemy trucks were a halted military convoy, they would have pulled over to thye side of the road in some kind of march order, often widely spaced in case of fuel trucks (for obvious reasons), so they don't have to untangle themselves into a march order once they resume movement (speak from experience as an ex-army trucker when doing my national service) :)

Yes mate but the game seems to introduce a random factor when placing units which means units are often not in the exact spot that you placed them on the map and things look higgledy-piggledy unless I can find a way to lock them down.
There is a setting for random factor during set up but it is not default.... essentially where you place your unit is where it should start unless youve been tinkering.

I never tinkered with it, yet my placements still weren't what I wanted; for example I spaced the 3 mortars well apart on the editor map, but when the game started 2 of them were stacked together! It took me a few more tries before I could make them begin the game spread out, it might be a bug.
It plainly sez on the back of the Arrowhead box- "Fully integrates with the original Arma2", yet last night mission wouldn't integrate!

That doesn't mean, though, that you get Arma II content for free, just that you don't have to uninstall/reinstall your "old" Arma II but instead can simply install OA on top of it. Compatibility between different add-ons/modules or enhanced games and basic versions is always something that gets complicated.

Besides: If we all have Arma II AND OA why do we have to be considerate? Majority vote I say, like everywhere else.
no, thats probably due to bootie having a mod loaded via his shortcut (arma2.exe -mod= @baf). If you run the launcher with just the vanila shortcut you wil have no probs. i put up a post when i have time tomorrow ;)
Yes mate but the game seems to introduce a random factor when placing units which means units are often not in the exact spot that you placed them on the map and things look higgledy-piggledy unless I can find a way to lock them down.

One method to lock them down is set their fuel level to 0. That way they wont move.

Second: Make shure you dont mark them as "in formation" whlst placing the unit, because when they spawn they will then all start driving trying to get into formation with their leader.

Third: there is a code snippet, i'll look it up for you POS, which you can put in their init line, which will also keepm them in place.

Greetings Breaklight
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