uh, we're professional now? News to me!
We still have
a lot of fun. I wouldn't be waking up at 0600 on Sunday mornings if playing with these guys was a bore or too draconian. We have taken a more milsim route (I would classify it as pretty relaxed milsim), but this was a decision made by the group as a whole, not one person. We had several sessions where we hashed out the style of play we were looking for. Even a lot of the mods we use have been recommended by different members of the group, and they aren't uncommon mods either. Sure, there might be a small time investment to get them installed, but there are ample guides out there and we're willing to help! Double has put in a lot of time and effort into making the FGM Arma group what it is, and he's done a damn fine job. This is, imo, the best group of guys to play Arma with!