Presidential Motorcade



What are the black trucks in a Presidential Motorcade?
What are the black trucks in a Presidential Motorcade? Have you ever wondered what all those extra SUVs are in the Presidential or VIP motorcades? You know, the ones with severely tinted windows.
The SUV's that no one gets in or out. Maybe they are unmarked 'black helicopters' on four wheels... Well, wonder no more. They have a 6 barreled 7.62 mm mini gun. They fire over 4,000 rounds per minute The wipers need to be run to remove spent casings when the weapon is firing. This video is from the company that makes this happen. The vehicle is also armor plated. Listen to this baby go off.

Nothing like a nice anti-aircraft weapon system for bodyguard work.

I read somewhere that the secret service's official policy is not to shoot down any potentially dangerous aircraft to save civilian casualties, rather to get the president to a safe location ASAP, although i'm guessing if the need arised that'd certainly do the job
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