Preview of a new CMSF map



Little screenshot of a map ive made in the last few hours lol.


I have no idea when ill find the time to finish this off lol.
Yeah sorta, the height thing still confuses me if i try to make big hills but i can handle changes now in the single figures lol
Looks interesting... Would even be suitable for a tank battle (meaning: advance of an armored battle group). Well done so far!
At the moment it's a light british inf force vs uncons. Just got a few more tweaks to do and the briefings to write up then im releasing it for playtesting : )

I need a title though, any ideas people?
Here's the blue briefing that i've wrote.

Situation:Enemy Forces

The usual mix of irregulars that we normally find operating in this area,

opfor size unkown. Expect Small combat teams of 3-5 men in size along with

RPG and sniper units. They are mainly poorly trained if trained at all but

there are some people fighting there who remember the last guys who tried

to tame this place and they know what they are doing. All of them are

tough as nails no matter what their experience.

Situation:Friendly Forces

A company 1st battalion (Prince of Wales's Own) Yorkshire Regiment:

Mortar Fire Controller
Sniper Team x 2

1+2 Plt

Fire Support Section:

6x Jackals

Reinforcement 1:

40th Regiment Royal Artillery - The Lowland Gunners:

1x 3 x L118 Guns
1x FOO

Reinforcement 2:

No. 663 Squadron Army Air Corps:

1 x AH1
1 x Tac Air Controller

Reinforcement 3:

3(F) Squadron RAF:

1x Typhoon

Situation: Terrain and weather

The area of operations cover a village with surrounding agricultural land.

A wadi flanks the eastern edge with irrigation ditches (trenches) criss

crossing the farmland. Heavy tree cover in the area allows for stealhy


An old police station and barracks dominate the eastern edge of the

village, albeit that there has been no functioning native police or army

for some years now. The western edge of the map is more sprawling in

nature with lots of single storey buildings packed into a small area.

Weather is clear and extremely hot with a small breeze from the south.

Mission: overall description

Under a deal with the locals to reduce the level of violence they had to

be exposed to they agreed to keep the insurgents out of the village if we

withdrew. At the time we didn't have the troops to maintain a base in the

village anyway so it was a mutualy beneficial deal, however the locals

couldn't keep the insurgents out for long.

Now we have been reinforced it's time to take it back. Take the village

back from the insurgent. You have just over an hour to take the

objectives. It took long enough to get the government to send more troops

out that we need so the last thing we need is a spike in casualty rates

along with it, keep casualties to the absolute minimum otherwise we might

not get the troops we need in the future.

Victory shall be judged mainly on your casualty rates, concentrate on

force preservation, if the opposition appears too strong, try to isolate

them and grind them down, we can allways attack again with more support if

we keep force cohesion to the maximum. The terrain objectives and enemy

casualties are secondary objectives

Execution: Commanders Intent

Advance through the phase lines (phase lines don't count for points),

occupy the objectives.

Keep casualties below 5% and force condition above 90%

Destroy Half of the enemy forces and leave enemy condition at 50%

Preserve 25% of your ammo supplies

Designers Notes:

Ive fiddled with the elevation values to get the irrigation ditches to be

able to interset while offering similar amounts of cover as an actual

intersected irrigation ditch would, it might look a bit weird but it seems

to work it gameplay terms.

When i designed the map I had afghanistan in mind and i looked at afghanistan on google earth to help me design the map but really it can be in any arid country
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