"Private" Sie Kommen II Tournament


Walter Shumate

I really would like to play through the excellent Sie Kommen II Battlepacks by Fredrocker.
My proposal is to play one or two games simultaneously starting with the first scenario and so on.
Scoring for every single battle will be tracked and after completing all (or just 12 or 9) battles we have the overall winner. Every single battle will also be a ladder game. Yes, the battles are sometimes unbalanced, but I guess as we will have a lot of Battles overall it should be fair.
So if anybody is interested in a long lasting series of battles you just found your opponent.
I would like to play the Axis side by the way.
Im playing it exact this way with my mate Paul smith, "CGF" he is here to in ladders and etc, he just not have much interest in foruns etc... Im playing it mirrored and having tons of fun!
Guys just so you are aware, I have had some people contact me about scenarios hanging on turn 1 (only 3 reports) the best I can tell it has to do with Barbed Wire and Foxholes during the upgrade to v1.10 as reported to BFC about a 10 months back by many sources... If this happens you will need to open the scenario file and move some of the wire (and move it back) and then save the scenario...

Thanks for the advice Fredrocker. I will bear that in mind if someone is interested and we are experiencing this problem.
Doing this walk around, like in night recon mission, thx fred
I really would like to play through the excellent Sie Kommen II Battlepacks by Fredrocker.
My proposal is to play one or two games simultaneously starting with the first scenario and so on.
Scoring for every single battle will be tracked and after completing all (or just 12 or 9) battles we have the overall winner. Every single battle will also be a ladder game. Yes, the battles are sometimes unbalanced, but I guess as we will have a lot of Battles overall it should be fair.
So if anybody is interested in a long lasting series of battles you just found your opponent.
I would like to play the Axis side by the way.

God willing I can be your long term opponent. Let me know how you want to do it. I think I still have our DB.
Great! Guess we are bound together now for several months :). As we have 18!!!! scenarios in queue I would say we start right of the beginning with two battle separately. Is this ok for you? Here is the list and sequence of the scenarios (taken from Fredrockers excellent playbook).

Do you have the Sie kommen II Battlepack Files? If not I can send you the according Allied Commanders Handbook. It`s full of stuff to read and background information on the battles.

I don`t have our latest dropbox folder. I will set up a new one with just our names as title so we can use it for the future.
I will send out Night Recon pretty fast (this day), but for the other battle I sure need 1 extra day to do my setup right. So be patient with me :)
OK, guys, I do not quite exactly understand what is going on here, but I know you guys are playing CMBN ... and that is enough!

Question is: may I join? :)

Walter: thanks to Fredrocker's training, I am really to be beaten now. I guess from now on, only can learn it the hard way :)

Also, how do I post a challenge in Domination Normandy tourney? Do I need to get HQ approval first to post a challenge? And what color in that map is Axis ? (sorry I couldn't figure out which part of the map was controlled by who right now.)
No mate, you didn´t any weapons free ROE from any HQ to send challenges in domination campaing, you are free to do what you like and what players like to play to
Hey DasTiger,

one quick question. How should we handle draws for the Ladder? Deciding by absolute points? Or just leave it as a draw. What`s your opinion on this?
Hey DasTiger,

one quick question. How should we handle draws for the Ladder? Deciding by absolute points? Or just leave it as a draw. What`s your opinion on this?
We can score it as a win on a draw determined by points or percentage of killed.
We can score it as a win on a draw determined by points or percentage of killed.

If you like in the spirit of the original campaign design, you could use the flow chart ratings that show if you win or lose... see below...skflowmain.jpg

Example in Draw Poker the allies actually receive a WIN with a 'Minor Defeat' or in All in a Mornings Work a 'Draw' is considered a WIN....

You can even follow the flow so this way you are playing the campaign as designed (of course it could be over in four battles...)... any way it is just another way to play it...
DasTiger: As one of our scenarios is already decided should we start the next one? If yes, I would set up the scenario Going Country.
And thanks for the entertaining battles :). Especially Draw Poker is hell of fun!
DasTiger: As one of our scenarios is already decided should we start the next one? If yes, I would set up the scenario Going Country.
And thanks for the entertaining battles :). Especially Draw Poker is hell of fun!
YEs, please feel free to roll out the next one. Yeah Draw poker is a blast!!! That damn 50mm gun is causing quite a problem. Do I need to report Night recon to the ladder or can the winner do it now?
DasTiger: As one of our scenarios is already decided should we start the next one? If yes, I would set up the scenario Going Country.
And thanks for the entertaining battles :). Especially Draw Poker is hell of fun!
YEs, please feel free to roll out the next one. Yeah Draw poker is a blast!!! That damn 50mm gun is causing quite a problem. Do I need to report Night recon to the ladder or can the winner do it now?
I am afraid you have to report the game. But I think Fredrocker is working on this so the winner has to post the result.
I will send out the next first file today. Curious what mission that will be!
I am working on the 'Winner' reporting to the FGM Ladder, requires a rewrite so it will be a week or two... but you now can put in the official score of the battle... ie. 545 to 344... which at least gives an idea of what happens... I am also going to setup a check box for a QB and a field for the scenario name... and exand the notes to maybe 255 characters...
I am working on the 'Winner' reporting to the FGM Ladder, requires a rewrite so it will be a week or two... but you now can put in the official score of the battle... ie. 545 to 344... which at least gives an idea of what happens... I am also going to setup a check box for a QB and a field for the scenario name... and exand the notes to maybe 255 characters...
That would be really great additions to the Ladder system! Thanks for your hard work on this Rick.
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