Hello mates,
we need your help, please:
@Pekische and me are trying to start a PBEM match in CMBN but for some reason
we can't get it started as he can't open my turn #003. We made two attempts with two different maps.
Both our CMBN games are running on game engine 3.0 and are patched to version 3.11.
While I have a "complete" CMBN with all modules + upgrade 3.0 + vehicle pack, Pekische doesn't have the MG module and also not the VP - so there is a kind of "difference" in our games but this shouldn't matter as he also has bought the upgrade 3.0 and later
also patched his game to version 3.11.
1.) I have heard (and experienced on my own) that in the early days of CMBN game files couldn't be opened when a player was trying to use barbed wire. But afak this has been fixed
long time ago. Did this bug eventually return?
2.) Is it maybe that the H2HHelper programme is causing the trouble?
As I'm not using it I need to ask you: What is the latest version? Has anybody heard of H2HH causing problems recently?
Does anybody have an idea what could be causing the compatibility problems?
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
we need your help, please:
@Pekische and me are trying to start a PBEM match in CMBN but for some reason
we can't get it started as he can't open my turn #003. We made two attempts with two different maps.
Both our CMBN games are running on game engine 3.0 and are patched to version 3.11.
While I have a "complete" CMBN with all modules + upgrade 3.0 + vehicle pack, Pekische doesn't have the MG module and also not the VP - so there is a kind of "difference" in our games but this shouldn't matter as he also has bought the upgrade 3.0 and later
also patched his game to version 3.11.
1.) I have heard (and experienced on my own) that in the early days of CMBN game files couldn't be opened when a player was trying to use barbed wire. But afak this has been fixed
long time ago. Did this bug eventually return?
2.) Is it maybe that the H2HHelper programme is causing the trouble?
As I'm not using it I need to ask you: What is the latest version? Has anybody heard of H2HH causing problems recently?
Does anybody have an idea what could be causing the compatibility problems?
Your help would be greatly appreciated.